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When he wasn't back when the last one crossed the finish line everyone laughed. They laughed because they thought he was too slow. It wasn't until they heard a gunshot go off, that they got worried. A yell followed and everyone got scared. 

"A gunshot went off and a student is still in the woods!" someone cried out to the phone, havin called the station. 

"Woah, easy. Where and who is still in the woods?" The deputy said.


The phone was hung up then. 

Another gunshot rang and everyone tried not to scream.

"Alright, everyone step back. This is something for the sheriff department--"

"But Stiles is in there!"

"The dweeb got himself killed probably," Jackson replied. 

Another gunshot rang and even Jackson looked scared now.

Sirens rang in the air and everyone breathed in relief.

Parrish came out of the cruiser and asked which way. He immediately went in and ran. 

A yell was heard by the Hellhound. A cry of pain followed. Parrish followed the entire trail and gasped  once he saw Stiles. 

Stiles was on the ground bloody and fighting like he had never seen. A trail of blood led to a bullet hole in his shoulder and another led to one in his lower stomach. He didn't seem bothered by it though. He punched his attacker who was straddling him and now Parrish could see that the attacker was bleeding as well. 

His eyes caught Parrish and he yelled so loud that the Coach and students must've heard it; "RUN JORDAN!"

The attacked faced Jordan and he could see that it was a female. She hissed and kicked Stiles again. He grunted and with strength Jordan didn't know the teen had he threw the girl off. Jordan finally got out of his shocked state and raised his gun to her. 

"Hands where I can see them, lady." She doesn't listen obviously.

"JORDAN RUN DAMN IT!" Jordan was startled as another gunshot ringed in his ears. Stiles hissed in pain. "RUN! I CAN HANDLE HER!"

Jordan couldn't get a clear shot, sighing in frustration he lowered the gun slightly. The girl pounced onto Stiles again and Jordan saw something in his eyes; determination. This boy looked so set on surviving. And he looked like he was winning. 

He drew his hand back and punched the girl in her throat. She gasped for air and Stiles kicked up, kicking her in the chest in the proces. She fell to the ground and Jordan jumped into action; he handcuffed her in an instance and Stiles sighed in relief. 


No-one knew what to expect. A dead sheriff's son? The sheriff stood there, frozen. When Jordan and Stiles came out of the woods with a handcuffed girl they didn't move, until the sheriff noticed the gunshots. 

"THOMAS MIECZYSLAW STILINKSI-GAJOS! SHIRT. OFF. NOW." The paramedics already rushed to their side. "I'm fine dad." 


Stiles sighed and pulled his shit off.

If someone was holding something, they dropped it. Noah sighed, "they shot you again?"

"She's WICKED, what do you expect?"

"WHAT?!" Noah yelled as the paramedics cleaned his wounds and pulled the bullets out. 

"Yeah, apparently we didn't blow everything up. She was trying to steal me back again to figure out the cure again. I struggled obviously and nearly killed her. Sorry 'bout that Marie-Ann!"

The girl smiled some what, still in Jordan's arms. "No worries Thomas, sorry 'bout your shoulder. Had orders."

"I know, don't worry."

"Why are you so chill about her nearly killing you?!" 

Noah sighed as Stiles smiled at the kid, "because I nearly killed her as well, duh."

"Need to contact them, now?" Stiles shakes his head. 

"If WICKED found me already, it only makes sense that they found the rest too. Guess they didn't like the fact that we're smarter than they thought."

"The fact that you remember your powers doesn't really help either," Marie-Ann adds. Noah points at her in a way that says; EXACTLY THAT. Everyone's jaw drops.

Stiles shrugs. "I expect the survivors here any moment."

"They probably killed the others already," Marie-Ann suggests. Stiles nods.

"Brenda and Minho 100%, no doubt."

"The 'subjects' will accidentally reveal their powers as well." Marie-Ann says.

Stiles bursts out in laughter, "Minho will yes, Brenda is too smart."

Noah chuckles. "How did you even find him?"



"Sorry, Thomas."

"Great. I still have a goddamn chip in my head which can control me and my powers. Fucking great."

"They can't use it though, Thomas. It's frozen. Rusting."


Marie-Ann nods. 

"You," Stiles says, pointing at a random paramedic. "Get it out of my head. Now."

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