Welcome to Queen Mary Castle

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I looked out my window from the highest point of the Neidpath Castle. Jean was most likely in her little nook, reading or imagining if her love ever recognized who she was. How different her life would be. Would her life be fulfilled and when she would die, would she have gone to heaven? If heaven exists at this point.

I have been here for more than a century. Jean has been alright company, she likes to haunt the visitors when they stay for the night. Or maybe only a few hours.

I glided downstairs, finding Catarina opening the door. Probably welcoming the visitors. I look out the wall, poking my head through the solid object, watching as Catarina greets four men. Three of them stop as the blonde wearing a blue spotted sweatshirt walks forward, greeting Catarina with wide arms. I look at the three, noticing a black device that one was holding, it was probably a camera of some sort, or one like the ones other visitors brought. "I'm assuming you are the Caretaker for this."

"Yes, Yes." Catarina says, leaving the green door open behind her. I lean against the wall of the doorway, kicking the barrier lightly, watching the exchange. These boys were. . . . . . . . different. Catalina steps right through me as they both step into the castle. I see Colby shudder, and seem to look directly at me. I wave my hand at his face. Nope, nothing. "I don't want to spoil it." The blonde jokes, looking down, covering the sides of his face. Catarina chuckles. "Follow me." Her accent is always distinct and unique. I love it. "This is the staircase, where the light switches will be." Cat says. Colby looks up, a look of amazement in his eyes. "Oh cool."

After Cat finishes the light tour, they head back downstairs, and step outside. I walk through the wall, a solid mass pushing back at me, forcing me to not go any farther. I sit and listen to the group talk. "So, how was it?" A man with brown hair and dark eyes asks the blonde.

"Uhh that was pretty much the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life." The dark haired man angles the black device towards Cat, and then back at the blonde. "To fill you guys in, I had to learn where the specific light switches were, I didn't even look around I just kinda-" He cups his hands around his spectacles, looking at the ground like he did in the house. "-Until she saw how to like-." The group chuckles, and the brown haired one mocks the other one, placing one hand on the side of his eyes, "That was the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life." I chuckle, clearly they were funny and a good group.

"And it was only the stairs, so that's giving you a little hint." He pauses, looking at Cat. "Um, I asked her if she could fill us in on some of the information. Like why the castles here, any hauntings, or if there's any deaths that happened, and she knows some information."

"Oh cool!" The brown haired one tilts the device on Cat.

"So, this castle was built in the second half of the 14th century, but there was another castle built before that in here, that was built in 1109-" I tune out for a few seconds, knowing the history of this castle, having heard her history lesson I don't know how many times. "We do have a dungeon in the castle as well." I tune back in to what Cat was telling them, smirking. "A dungeon?" Every single one of them asks. "No way!"

"Are there dragons?!" One wearing a yellow hoodie jokes, holding a fist to another boy's shoulder. They all laugh

"Not as far as I know." Catarina jokes also. I smirk at them. "But we do have quite a big colony of bats under the roof."

"Oh God!" They yell, flinching a little bit.

"So there are dragons." Yellow hoodie nods. I actually chuckle, they're really funny. I hope they won't get too scared during the night. I hope they stay long.

"The dungeon was quite widely used in the 14th and 15th century because it was the only prison in the whole country."

"Prison?" The one holding the camera asks.

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