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I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen nor do I own any of the characters in this story unless it's an OC of mine that I will let you know if it is.
The story is not apart of the manga, this is just my own story of my favorite group going on an adventure.
This is my first time writing a story that's not all about love and this is more of an action and friendship story, so if I mess up on some parts, I do apologize.

Yuji Itadori was only looking through Instagram when he got a sudden call. At the moment, he was in his dorm room, right next to Megumi Fushiguro's dorm. The call was from Satoru Gojo-Sensei, which was... odd. Gojo-Sensei never called, he usually just popped out of nowhere and pulled Itadori where he needed or wanted him to be. But if Gojo-Sensei was calling, it must've been important.

"Yo, Itadori! Sorry I couldn't talk in person, but I'm with the higher ups at the moment and they want the first and second years to come to the main office immediately! Bye!" Oh. That was simple enough. All the first years were at the campus along with the second years. But why would they want all of them to come? Well, Gojo-Sensei did say immediately, so better not keep them waiting!

Itadori knocked on his wall, knowing well enough that the walls were thin enough that Fushiguro-San could definitely hear him knock. He knew from experience... "What do you want, Itadori-Kun?" Fushiguro-San answered. Itadori's face brimmed with happiness, as he didn't have to walk out of his room just to knock at the others door.

"Gojo-Sensei wants all 1st and 2nd years to come main office, immediately! So get ready quickly!" Fushiguro-San seemed to shuffle around his room, which was cleaner than Itadori's, and left the room. Itadori, already dressed, left his room as well, meeting Fushiguro-San outside their dorms.

They met up first with Nobara Kugisaki, the other 1st year, and found the 2nd years in the training area, just chatting. It felt nice to just have some time to themselves, but it felt like that nice feeling won't last for too long.

Once they all were together and got to the main office, where Itadori was tested if he could even attend this school, they only saw the principal with his cursed dolls and Gojo-Senpai with his blindfold over his eyes along with Mei Mei who was showing off her body like usual. It was weird not to see Ui Ui, her little brother, around her. Gojo-Senpai then clapped his hands together, silencing the already silent room.

"I see you all came! Great! We're in a little bit of a rush, so I'll make it quick! You're all going on an vacation!" Itadori's eye twitched. 'Vacation'? Well, it didn't seem to bad... but he wouldn't let it go to his head! He knows better than that! The others in the room also weren't buying it, it seemed, as non of them seemed excited. Gojo-Senpai slouched, mouth slumping. "You all are way too serious, ya know... Anyway, I saw 'vacation' because you're going to the island, Okinawa! Its population is pretty small, but cases of people disappearing have been coming up lately from there, starting from a few months ago. We didn't think too much about it because of the low population, but it seems like this might be a bigger problem than what we intended it to be. That's why you're all going there! 'And you're not leaving until you fix the problem,' as the higher ups said!"

Oh great... so it wasn't a vacation... Just as Itadori had gotten his hopes up. But it was an order from the higher ups, they couldn't exactly deny it, even though they were complete horrible people. The others just nodded, standing to leave the room probably to go pack. Itadori followed behind them, waving goodbye to the Senpai's in the room.

Once Itadori got outside, he noticed that the others were now in full conversation. Maki Zen'in was mumbling about how annoying it was that she had to go on the mission with the first years. Now that just hurt. Panda-San was hitting Maki-San over the head, telling her to not speak like that. Thank god for Panda-San. Nobara was going off on how she'd need to pack her finest clothing and hair products. Kinda annoying. Toge Inumaki was keeping his distance, mumbling some ingredients under his breath at the two woman around him. Wonder what he actually means when he mumbles those things. Fushiguro-San was sighing and walking to the dorms, Inumaki-San right at his tail. Interesting how everyone has their own unique clicks about them.

Time skip: the next morning

Itadori met everyone at the car. Surprisingly the car had enough seats for everyone without looking like one of those really long cars. There were two front seats, three middle seats and three back seats. Kiyotaka Ijichi would be the one driving them all to the airport so that they could he'd off to the island.

Once he got closer to the group, he saw that they were arguing. What about you ask? Welp... they were arguing about who would get shotgun, of course. It was mostly Maki-San and Nobara-San who were arguing. Panda-Kun stepped in between the two, making them do rock-paper-sizers to determine who would get shotgun.

In the end, here's how the layout ended up like:

Maki-San had shotgun, Kiyotaka-Senpai was at the wheel, in middle left was Itadori, next to him in middle center was Nobara-San, next to her in middle right was Fushiguro-San, behind them in back left and middle was Panda-Kun who had to take up two seats and since Inumaki-Kun was the smallest out of them all, he sat in back right.

Then they all took off to the airport.

They all said their goodbyes to Gojo-Senpai and the others who weren't coming along.

After hours of being on a plane, they landed on Okinawa island. Itadori kissed the ground as he didn't really like flying over the ocean. The place they were staying at while they stayed on the island was a rented out beach house, which wasn't too hard to find. Just great. It was like they wanted them to have fun. But still, they unpacked and got some takeout that Inumaki-Kun suggested-of course- then just sat around, getting used to the atmosphere. Tomorrow they'd start working on their investigation.

Hi! Hope everyone's doing good! After the prologue I'm going to stop putting -Senpai,-Kun,-Chan and -San because it's kinda a hassle. I decided to do it for the prologue so that I can establish the seniority of everyone in Itadori's perspective, as I will let you know, the story will not always stay in his perspective. That's just how Itadori sees everyone pretty much.

Alright it's 1:47 in the morning I better get to bed because I feel the bags under my eyes. Gn (good night) or gm (good morning) or ga (good afternoon) whenever you read this have a happy day!

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