chapter 3

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it's been a hot MONTH since i've uploaded
i'm doing this thing where if i upload one story i'm going to try and upload the others so very everybody can get what story they like
but that shits hard 💔😿 anyway onto my amazing totally not boring story also mild swearing warning

kokichi walked up the long towers, making his way to the ravenclaw dorms. of course, he wasn't allowed to enter, so he sent a quick air message through his wand. it's a new advanced spell he'd learnt in his free time. he waited outside the door until he heard it creek open. "kokichi?" a feminine voice came from behind, "hey celeste" he said softly. she came out from behind the door, slowly shutting it behind her. "i'm glad you where able to make it again today, let's go" she smiled.

kokichi and celeste where good friends. they would never let anybody know, as they where complete opposites. celeste was a mature, responsible nice girl, while kokichi was a childish, loud sort of character, but i guess that's what made them click so fast. well... that's not the only reason. they where both gay as fuck.

"and it's so damn difficult to focus when this literal goddess is sitting next to me!" celeste whined, walking slowly in pace with kokichi. they took nightly strolls once a week, around the grounds. they would normally talk about their relationship troubles and what not. "cant relate, my crush is in a different house. i don't know if i'm sad, or relaxed about that" he chucked. celeste giggled "kyoko and i, were good friends, i don't want to ruin that, but it's so hard keeping back this feeling. whenever she smiles, or whenever she gets a answer right and secretly pumps down her first in satisfaction. ahh!" she groaned. grabbing her face with her hands and bending up.

they had reached his dormitory, which meant it was the end of their stroll. "sounds pretty gay to me" kokichi laughed, making celeste playfully roll her eyes. "in all seriousness though, i do hope you figure out how to tell her, i'm quite sure she'll feel the same way" he smiled. they both said their goodbyes, walking away and back into their houses bedrooms.

kokichi shared a room with byakuya and nagito, he couldn't stand some of the idiots around here so it was relaxing knowing he could just flop onto his bed, no questions asked about where he was. to be honest, they all kinda went out at night. they didn't give a specific reason, just a "needed to do something"

since byakuya was still in hospital, it was just nagito and kokichi. they talked for a while, before falling asleep. they had no school tomorrow, as it was saturday, so they decided to have some fun.

celeste is gay 😼
sorry for a short chapter, i wanted to update but i'm really really tired and i want to sleep so mwah mwah love u

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