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"c'mon! we don't want to miss it!" nagito said, grabbing kokichi's hand and pulling him out of the dorm. it was 9pm on a warm saturday and they decided to go to hagrids shed to watch him train some creatures. he also had a surprise, he didn't tell them what, so it was a mystery they couldn't wait to discover.

they ran out of their dorms and made their way to hagrids shack. they knocked on the door loudly, energy threatening to burst out. "now who could that be? ohhhh! i wouldn't even suspect it! nagito and kokichi! uh wait.. where's togami? he asked, scratching his head. "oh yeah i forgot about that... he's in med bay" kokichi said, walking past him into the shack. nagito awkwardly smiled and walking in too. hagrid shut the door and walked over in concern, "what?! how?" kokichi groaned, sitting down on the seats, "he fell in a quidditch game.. seriously, you'd think somebody who's been training their whole life for that stupid game would know how to ride a broomstick?" he said, putting his feet up on the table. hagrid sighed, "at least nobody else got hurt" he said, slapping kokichi's feet down. "well,, makoto naegi? he got muddled up with byakuya, fell too. however, he was not terribly hurt and he's probably already out of hospital" nagito said, sitting down next to kokichi.

they all enjoyed their evening eating lunch and training with hagrids animals, when he remembered something, "oh! i completely forgot! i needed to show ya something! follow me" he smiled, walking out of his garden and i to the pumpkin patches. nagito and kokichi followed excitedly. hagrid bent over and grabbed something out of the pumpkin top. in his hand was three shiny crystal necklaces, one blue, one purple and one green. nagito gasped and kokichi clapped while jumping up and down, "hagrid! it's so pretty!" nagito exclaimed, walking over to grab it. hagrid chuckled, "a friend of mine had a few spare, reminded me of you!" he said, gesturing for kokichi to take his. they both put them around their necks carefully and examined them. "it fits like a charm! how nice of you hagrid" nagito smiled. hagrid scratched the back of his head, "oh it's nothing! also, you should really get going! i have some other visitors that are coming soon!" he chuckled, patting them on the back as they started walking back to the shack. "i can't believe you want to get rid of us! how mean" kokichi pouted, twirling the necklace with his finger.

they both started to walk back, after saying their goodbyes to hagrid and his animals, and go to check on byakuya. on their way back to the castle, they passed makoto, hajime and shuichi. makoto stopped them, grabbing onto kokichi's sleeve, "ah! excuse me! hi.. i know it's a bit rude of me to ask you, but would you mind thanking byakuya again for me? i wish i could've, but i didn't really know how to say it" he said, bash fully with his head down. kokichi smiled, "oh uh, sure! we're just on our way to see him now actually, great timing" makoto chuckled, "heh, thank you" he said, continuing to walk with the others. nagito and kokichi watched them walk down the hill and into.. hagrids shack? "and i thought he only spoke to us! how terrible is that?" kokichi geared up, grabbing onto nagitos arm. "sure is..."

sorry for ANOTHER short chapter i want to get to the plot but i already started writing this chapter so 💆🏻‍♀️ anyway love y'all (and i didn't edit it so there might be some spelling/grammar mistakes)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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