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When Mattia woke up about a week later he felt fuzzy. He always had days like this, where he felt like a child, but this was worse than he had ever experienced. It felt like he was a 3 year old.

He got up out of bed and dug through his dresser hastily, pulling out his most colorful, most comfortable clothes. Which ended up being a pink hoodie with a colorful, bubble like logo on it that his head was too fuzzy to recognize, a purple shirt with a red logo he again couldn't recognize, and a pair of green sweatpants and fuzzy socks. None of it matched but he didn't care, as long as he felt safe.

He held Caesar tightly, laying on his bed. Instinctively he stuck his thumb in his mouth and sucked slightly, closing his eyes a little. He rocked a little, surrounding himself with blankets. He was trying to feel safe. Normally he would call one of his friends, probably Roshaun, to comfort him and hold him and tell him he's safe, but they weren't on speaking terms.

Instead he decided to try and distract himself. He went on his phone curiously, still sucking at his thumb, and explored instagram. He could barely read and it was upsetting him. So he ended up going live.

mattiapolibio started a live video. Watch before it ends!

People steadily joined until there was about 2k people on it. He set his phone in front of him and stared off into space, still sucking on his thumb and rocking slightly.

His general appearance seemed disheveled, with mismatching, wrinkly clothes that just barely fit and messy bed head. He had large eye bags from the lack of sleep the past week and his eyes were red from crying all the time.

Immediately people started asking what was going on and why he was live. He didn't bother reading the chat though, the words looked like nonsense like this. Instead he started thinking, (never a good thing), and landed on his friends. Before he could stop himself he was crying on live.

He wanted his friends there. He wanted to have them all curled around him and telling him how pretty his stuffies were and he wanted Roshaun's arms around him.

After a bit of crying and hiding behind his stuffies he completely forgot why he was crying in the first place. So he steadily stopped crying, wiping his eyes thoroughly and hiccuping slightly.

"S-sorwy fr c-cwying," he mumbled, wiping his eyes on his blanket. "I'on... emember. Why."

He sat back in bed and took a few deep breaths. His head distantly ached, but he didn't acknowledge it and instead started babbling about Caesar. How he got him, why he was named Caesar. He even started talking about the monkey's supposed relationships with his other stuffies, which he hadn't shared with anyone before.

After a while he ended the live and spent the rest of the day in a dissociative daze. A childlike smile was painted on his face all day and he wouldn't stop playing with all his toys. His whole body felt like it was filled with rainbows.

Then reality struck the next morning.

He checked his instagram notifications, just for fun. He found notification upon notification, all tagging him in the same post. Nervously he tapped on it.

[watch full on MTV video]

liked by hntrrss, vickietheegg, and 3,105 others
tiktokroomofficial #mattiapolibio caught doing drugs on a live? 👀☕️

Mattia read the post over a couple times, his chest feeling tight. He didn't want this to happen. He didn't want anyone to know. He should've known better.

mattiapolibio i wasn't on any drugs. the whole story is extremely personal and i dont want to talk about it, but i wasn't under any influence.

He stared at the comment for a bit after he posted it. He felt sick. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to keep this to himself. Nobody should know what happened to him. He was supposed to be a man.

And worst of all his friends still weren't talking to him. It was his fault. It was always his fault. He just wanted everything to go right for once. Why wasn't he able to do anything right?

He stumbled into the bathroom and threw up into the toilet, his body shaking. Tears streamed down his face, his body heaving aggressively. His head hurt so bad, throbbing right behind his eye.

He curled up on the floor and cried.


mattiapolibio started a live video | RottiaWhere stories live. Discover now