Truth 1

3 0 0

I'm jealous.

Your soft, gentle lips smile without any hint of sadness on them while your eyes agree with that smile.

Your voice even seems to agree.

There's no doubt in my mind that what your feeling isn't real.

Or maybe that's the point? To be so good at faking that smile that even other fakers can believe you.

I try to smile back but I'm so thrown off by that smile because I can't tell if you're being honest or if that's what you want me to believe.

"Is there something wrong?", you say with such concern. You realized I was thinking about something- I knew you would.

"nope, nothing's wrong", I say. Although I want to ask you a million questions about that wondrous smile.

I'm jealous I can't smile the way you do.

I'm jealous that even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to smile with such grace.

So I hate you. I hate how you smile at me- how you smile at everyone. I want to know what you're really thinking. I want to know if it's really fake or not. I want to know so much but I don't know how to ask.

I never know how to ask.

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