20. Wrong Side

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George's POV

We're standing at the front door of Bad's place, disguises on, weapons in hand. Fundy is staying with Karl, seeing to it that they find a hiding spot and stay out of Hyena hands while we go find Bad. We decided we have no time to lose, and we don't have any more weapons than we're already wearing on us, so it makes no sense to go back home to try to find more. This is what we have to take them down with. I feel my heart racing at the thought of encountering them, rushing adrenaline all through my body. Clay stands steady on his feet, determination radiating from him.

"Are you sure about this?" Fundy asks as he stands in front of us.

"We've got no choice, this is the only right thing to do," Clay says, pulling his sword from his back.

"So let's go over the plan one last time," I suggest, and I'm met with nods from all three men. "Dream and I go out and find a Hyena to take us to Bad, you guys find a new shelter and leave a note at the trapdoor where you are, so we can find you afterwards." Saying 'afterwards' would suggest we make it out alive, but I'm not quite sure of that scenario. We could very well be killed in the process and never make it back to the bunker. The same rush of nerves from earlier moves through my body at the thought.

"And if you're not back in two days, we'll.. yeah.. assume the worst," Fundy says, scratching his arm nervously. For a moment we all stay silent, not quite sure how to say goodbye. What do you say when you're not sure you'll ever see each other again? 'Goodbye'? It isn't a good bye, so it doesn't feel right to say it. 'See you later' wouldn't be the best choice either. 'Farewell' is the most ridiculous option of all. We silently agree not to say a goodbye, but just to hug each other one by one. As Fundy and Karl walk away towards the basement to grab their last supplies, they turn around at us one last time as we reach for the door handle. A small wave follows, and we stick up our hands as well, before leaving the house and closing the door behind us. Maybe for good.

A soft breeze is blowing, and the sky is grey. The air is still thick from the thunderstorm it housed hours before, but there's no indication of another one coming. I breathe in and out deeply, trying to keep in control of my emotions as I review the task at our hands. It's easy: find a Hyena, let them take us to Bad, free him, and flee. In the ideal scenario, nobody dies and we all get out unharmed, but I already know that next to it being ideal, it is also the most unlikely. We are for a fact going to get injured from this, there is no doubt about it. I just hope I'll get to keep all my limbs and get through it with mere scratches.

Standing on the wrong side of the door, Clay turns his head to me. I try to find his eyes through the holes in the mask, but they're barely visible. I know he's trying to find mine as well.

"We'll be fine, I promise," his muffled voice tells me, and he pulls me into a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him the tightest I can, almost as if he'll disappear if I let go of him. His head rests on top of mine for a second, before he begrudgingly lets go of me. I follow him with my eyes as he walks to the middle of the street, sword in hand. I take out my biggest knife from my belt, clutching it in my hand.

"Hey!" he yells as loudly as he can, making sure anyone near can hear him. "I heard you fuckers were looking for me!" For a moment the street stays silent. And then another moment. And the moment turns into a minute. I lower my knife a little, unsure of what to do. Clay's stance softens as well at the realization there's no reaction. Why is nobody reacting?

"Bring me to my friend!" he yells as a second attempt, but it's again followed by silence. Aren't there any scouts out? Weren't they supposed to keep an eye on us? If they're watching us, why aren't they coming out and taking us? Clay lowers his sword completely and glances around at the different buildings in the street, spotting no single movement around any of them. The roofs are empty, there's nobody behind the windows, it's silent. He turns to me again and I shrug, not knowing what else to do. In our plan, they would just appear and take us to wherever they keep Bad, but apparently it's not that easy. He makes his way over to me again, and we stand in front of the door awkwardly.

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