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Emo Chicklet: So uh somethings been going on with Hawks's sensei-

Emo Chicklet: His jacket smells like cigarettes and always has some kind of light dust on it?? Maybe cigarette stuff but still

Emo Chicklet: He seems more stressed too

Emo Chicklet: I've decided that he needs the Izuku Midoriya Pep Talk

Emo Chicklet: You better get ready

PureGreen: I-

PureGreen: You know I make those up on the spot right???

Emo Chicklet: Wait seriously?

PureGreen: Yeah, I say whatever comes to my head

Emo Chicklet: My respect for you just went 

PureGreen: Thank you! :)

TheSanePeppermint: Does this have anything to do with the gay panic a few days ago?

TheMemeingPeppermint: 👀 🍵 

YoungestPeppermint: @Chaotic Gay Blonde    👀 🍵 

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Whats up?

Emo Chicklet: Spill the mf tea

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Which tea?? I have LOTS

Emo Chicklet: Read up b****

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Suddenly, I'm Jared 19

TheMemeingPeppermint: 😠🍵 

YoungestPeppermint: WE WANT OUR TEA

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Soo you know how the commission is a bunch of b-

TheMemeingPeppermint: Dont be shy, 

✨  f i n i s h  t h e  s e n t e n c e ✨

TheSanePeppermint: We have a child in this chat.

PureGreen: We do?

Chaotic Gay Blonde: It's you, ur babey

PureGreen: >:/

Chaotic Gay Blonde: r00d

Chaotic Gay Blonde: So you know the League of Villains?

TheMemeingPeppermint: 👀👀 

Chaotic Gay Blonde: They found me after one of the HPSC members tried to assault me and when I fought back they decided to electric shock me to teach me a lesson of who I "belong" to

Chaotic Gay Blonde: The guy is in the hospital and I have a bunch of murderous new friends who will stop at nothing because rules dont apply to them

PureGreen: Really?

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Yeah, turns out one of the members had been in the HPSC too and they joined the League to get revenge against an abusive parent and the Commission

YoungestPeppermint: Isn't that illegal?

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Actually, it says it's illegal for heroes to be in villainous gangs. I'm not part of their gang, I'm just a friend

Chaotic Gay Blonde: They're pretty chill btw

Emo Chicklet: That Dabi guy looks real edgy tho

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Dabi's not edgy he's just homeless

TheMemeingPeppermint: When I tell you I ✨w h e e z e d ✨

Chaotic Gay Blonde: I can add them to the chat

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