Adding The Whole Gang

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Chaotic Gay Blonde has added Kinky, Nyoom, TiredDad, WEIRDHAIR, NumberOne, FlamingHotCheeto, BangBang, SpaceMellow, BobTheBuilder, BearMouse???, ShadowCloneJutsu, and SquareRock

FlamingHotCheeto: What is this? Why is my username Flaming Hot Cheeto.

FlamingHotCheeto: Hawks is behind this, I just know it.

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Correct!

BearMouse??? has changed his name to Nezu

Chaotic Gay Blonde: HEY!

Chaotic Gay Blonde has locked nicknames

FlamingHotCheeto: Damnit boy, what are you doing?

Chaotic Gay Blonde: I have something important to do Endeavor-san! It concerns you all.

Chaotic Gay Blonde: @Everybody 


Chaotic Gay Blonde: r00d

Chaotic Gay Blonde has changed WEIRDHAIR's name to RADIOMIC

RADIOMIC: That's better

FlamingHotCheeto: Why does he get a decent name and I'm a cheeto?

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Because he's my bro and that's the truth


TiredDad: Shut the fuck up

RADIOMIC: Sorry Sho!

Kinky: Whipped-

TiredDad: I will push you off the roof again and this time All Might will not be able to save you.

Kinky: Nevermind

SpaceMellow: Hello Aizawa-senpai!!

Chaotic Gay Blonde: I will adopt this bean, they are mine now-

Chaotic Gay Blonde: ANYWAY

Chaotic Gay Blonde: I have permission to add this person to the chat, on one condition.

Chaotic Gay Blonde: Don't call them a villain. They never wanted to be one. Life just went downhill for them. They are not villainous, they are misunderstood. Got it?

TiredDad: Bit concerned about that but okay

SpaceMellow: Okay!

RADIOMIC: You got it!

FlamingHotCheeto: As you wish.

Kinky: ;)

Chaotic Gay Blonde: I'm going to guess that's a yes.

Chaotic Gay Blonde has added Tomura Shigaraki to the chat

Tomura Shigaraki: Hi

NumberOne: Hello! Do you enjoy the game?

Tomura Shigaraki: Yeah thanks a lot

TiredDad: Explanation, now.

Tomura Shigaraki: Well you already know who I am

Tomura Shigaraki: I dunno what I'm supposed to explain?

SpaceMellow: The U.S.J incident?

Tomura Shigaraki: Sorry about that I was trying to get All Might not you guys

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