Chapter Two

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Days later Jordan was released from the hospital , with restrictions, prescriptions, and a card for an appointment. Barely leaving out of her room, much less to get out of bed, Jordan shut the world out.  Her wounds on the outside was healing like the doctor said they would. Elena, Jordan's best friend brought Henry back to Chicago. Elena and her boyfriend Tommy stayed to help with him. At this point they considered moving to Chicago permanently. Kevin would come by every chance he got. He tried to convenience Jordan to leave the house but she wouldn't. Hank and Erin came by every night to see Jordan even if it was them sitting in the bed and just watching tv. Aside from checking up on Jordan they would visit with Henry. At night the nightmares would come. Sleep felt like it would never come. Jordan's body was wearing down, or so it felt like it. There was some nights Jordan would lie awake in bed staring at the door and other nights where she would pace the floor with her gun in her hand.

"Jordan. I know you are going through a rough time, but you got to get out of this bed." Kevin said as he brought her a tray of breakfast. "I'm fine right here." Jordan replied as her eyes never left the television. Kevin didn't want to push the issue even though he knew things would turn for the worse if she kept staying like this ."If you say so. I made you pancakes. They are not by best by far but I'm running late for work. I can make you my best another time. I'll be back later." He left the tray on the bed and kissed Jordan on the forehead."  Alaska jumped on the bed and laid close beside Jordan. Her nose nudged Jordan's hand. "I'm fine girl." She let out a low whine. "I'll be fine. I promise." Jordan whispered and kissed Alaska on her head. "You are such a good girl."
After Jordan ate the breakfast Kevin cooked, she got out of the bed to freshen herself up. For Kevin to day the pancakes was not his best, they sure tasted great. It could also be that Jordan has hardly ate and her stomach was about to eat her insides. She grabbed her phone off the bed and saw she already had multiple messages from everyone. "I'm fine. I don't know why the don't believe me." She muttered. Jordan climbed back into bed and shot Elena a text to bring Henry over. She missed her baby. Henry stayed with Elena and Tommy or sometimes Erin. On the nights that Kevin stayed he would take care of Henry.

Elena brought Henry over to visit Jordan. "He's getting bigger and bigger. I swear I blink and he's grown and inch." Jordan said as she held him. "He misses you Jordan." Elena spoke softly. "You need to get out of this bed and get out of this house." She continued. "What if I don't want to do that? Would that be so wrong?" Elena sat down beside Jordan, she took a deep breath, "Yes. Yes it would." The room was quiet for a few minutes. The only noise you could hear was everyone breathing. "I'm fine E." Jordan lied. "I know you are lying and I'm going to do whatever it takes to pull you out of this."
"Ok, E." Jordan said and kept focus on Henry.

Jordan knew deep down she needed to get out of this slump she was in but she did go through a traumatic experience. What made this different from what she seen overseas puzzled her. She was a strong woman. She seen things that most people won't see in there life. She had came out on too time after time.
She asked herself what was stopping her from climbing it the mountain top again and overcoming everything.

Later that night Kevin and Hank was over. Hank played with Henry while Kevin made supper. Jordan was back in her bed zoning out the world. Kevin walked into the living room and sat beside Voight. "Sarg, I want to help her but I don't know what else to do. I don't want to push her away."
"Keep trying. Keep doing what you are doing.  Most importantly be there for her and for him." Hank pointed at Henry who was smiling as if he knew what they was saying.
"I will." Kevin replied and picked up Henry.
"She's going to come out of this. Give her time. She's a Voight."
"And when she does I'm not letting her go back." Kevin replied as he laid a sleepy Henry into this pack n play.

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