Chapter 6: George

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"Today's the day," I told Johnny as he helped me dress the next morning. "I'm eighteen and almost the Earl of Grantham."

"How do you become the earl?" Johnny asked. I looked at him, thinking for a moment about what was to come for the day.

"Well, Lord Grantham explained it to me yesterday evening. He said that we will sign documents and it will transfer to me. I don't really understand it."

"Well," Johnny said, finishing his job. "I think you will be a fine Lord Grantham." 

"Thanks Johnny," I told him and left before he did. I went downstairs to the dining room for breakfast. When I opened the door, the lights were suspiciously off. "Hello!" I called. "Is anyone here?" Suddenly, the lights were clicked on and my family was waiting there.

"Surprise!" They all shouted. Caroline ran up and wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh happy birthday Georgie!" She said. "I planned the whole thing. Oh I just wanted my big brother to have the best birthday!"

"Thank you, Caroline," I told my sister and kissed her head. We all sat down to breakfast, which just happened to be my favorite pancakes."

"Caroline has planned every aspect of your breakfast, luncheon, dinner, and dessert," Nora told me. "She's been quite busy that past two days. It's been quite annoying."

"I agree with Norie," Grace said. "It has been most of our topic of conversation. Nora shot her sister an annoyed look.

"Pleas don't call me Norie," she begged. Grace shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but we have Norie, Sybbie, Georgie, Mari, Jackie, and Catie and I am Gracie." Caroline looked at Grace.

"What about me?" She said.

"Your name doesn't fit," Sybbie told her. "You are the odd one out, Caroline, for once you are the odd one out."

"I wouldn't say for once," Nora said, taking a sip of tea. "We have all been the odd one out, especially Caroline after last nights dinner." Everyone even my grandparents laughed at Nora's joke, that was her talent. She had a sly and clever sense of humor that made even the most serious person laugh.

"Well," Grandpa Robert said. "That was a delicious breakfast. Now George and I have some business to attend to. I felt my stomach flip like an acrobat on a trapeze. I followed Grandpa Robert out of the dining room, Nora and Sybbie winking and sending silent good lucks.

"What do we do?" I asked Grandpa Robert. 

"We are going to get a lawyer to come and we sign some documents and then you become the Earl of Grantham," he explained. 

"That doesn't sound too complicated," I said, laughing nervously. He put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it.

"You know George," Grandpa Robert said. "You look and act more and more like Matthew everyday." I blushed and looked at the ground, scuffing it with my shoe.

"Can you tell me something about him?" I asked. "Mum won't tell me much, but will you tell me something?"

"I suppose I can think of some story to tell you about Matthew." Grandpa Robert thought for a moment before deciding on a story.

"It was right before your father married your mother. We had Aunt Sybil and Uncle Tom here as well as the Grey's for dinner. Larry Grey was playing a horrid trip on Uncle Tom and tricked us to thinking him very drunk. After Larry was exposed, your father stood up and said that he was going to make Uncle Tom his best man. I was so proud of him and how kind he was to your Uncle Tom, who was still new to the family." I felt tears springing to my eyes as I pictured the story in my head.

"Were he and Uncle Tom close?" I asked.

"They were," he told me. "They were inseparable, like brothers."

"Thank you," I said.

"You're very welcome." The two of us waited for the lawyer, Edward Murray, to come. He was the son of the old lawyer, George Murray. After around ten minutes of waiting, Nora and Sybbie came into the room to check on us.

"How's it going?" Nora asked.

"It's fine, just nerve wracking waiting it out," I told her. 

"Well, just take deep breaths and try to focus on other things," Sybbie told me. "It's your birthday! Focus on the wonderful dinner Caroline planned for you. And the after dinner surpri..." Nora suddenly stamped on Sybbie's foot. 

"Shut up!" She whispered harshly. Sybbie shut her moth right away and they said goodbye to the both of us. I watched them leave together, laughing and talking. Ever since Uncle Tom and Auntie Del's wedding, those two had been inseparable.

"I'm here!" Edward Murray said, coming in the room just as the girls left. "Sorry. I caught the wrong train this morning, but I'm here now. Let's get the show on the road!"

"Well," I thought. "Here we go."

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