Character Intro

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Hello there!

Info on the story:

- This is a Gamer Fic, the power is GMod and the world is Remnant from RWBY

- The GMod here is what I think a technologically advanced GMod will have, so that the player can have a fighting chance.

- This is a remake of a previous story, RWBY's Mod.

- Upload Schedule is inconsistent.

Please know that this is a character introduction. Next chapter will be the actual start of the story.

Anyhows, on to the story!


He knew it was probably time to go to bed, but he couldn't exactly shake off the nightmares or dreams he has been having, that and he couldn't find the need to sleep. He chalked the former up to just his homesickness, however it was getting worse. He decided to just screw it and did something he never thought of doing: writing a diary.

He wrote before, essays and short stories for his classes at the least, but he never thought of writing a diary. It served no purpose to him, and it might be a detriment with the secret he's holding. Yet, he did so anyway, because he knows sooner or later, he'll be found out.

Asking Ozpin for a simple notebook was, just like the item, very simple. Despite his skepticism when he first met the Headmaster, the latter batted no eye to his request, to his surprise. Maybe, just maybe, he could probably enjoy what this world offers.

He opens the notebook, looking at the first page. He still couldn't believe he was doing this, his friends wouldn't either. With a thought that ushered him to go on, he began writing. Hesitance controlled his hand he used to use confidently.

Dear Diary, never thought I'd be doing this but here I am. People say that this sort of thing helps with the predicament I'm in. Of course, I'm sure no one would ever think that their predicament would include getting transported into another world.

He sighs, a hot breath of anger escaping his mouth. He continues.

Well, atleast I wasn't hit by Truck-San, that would've been painful. Damn-

He paused, before erasing it. His mind, filled with anxiety, gave him thoughts he definitely preferred not having. After reassuring himself that it wouldn't be that bad and it was meant to be like this, he wrote the erased word back and continued from there.

Damn it, I'm running out of things to write. Maybe I should start with how I got here, that'll work, right?

That went better than he expected.

He leans back on his chair, looking up at the ceiling of the room so generously given to him by Ozpin, before going back on his diary to continue writing.

-14 Hours Before Insertion-

A young man stood behind an oven, cooking a pair of eggs. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, grey sweatpants and a pair of black socks. His hair was brown and short, paired with eyes of the same but darker color, and a youthful face that would probably make people mistake him for being younger than what he actually is.

His eyes occasionally peeked at the living room, where a TV sat with the News playing. A reporter did his job as the people behind him did theirs, which was just mind their business.

"There had been reports of people going missing over the course of the month."

After checking if the food will be fine, he turned his head at the TV screen.

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