Avery's Birthday Gift

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"Avery?" Sylvie spoke up from the dining table.

"Yeah, sis?" He stopped washing the dishes, turning off the faucet as he faced his sister.

"Will mom and dad come home for your birthday?" His eyes grew heavy, but he shook it off.

"Dad probably will, but mom is too busy with her job overseas." He went back to dishwashing after saying that, turning the faucet back on.

"Oh..." Sylvie looked at the pot of flowers sitting at the middle of the table, one of them wilting. "The usual?"

"Don't put it against her." He said in a forlorn tone. "Too many people need help, and it is her job to make sure they get it."

"Still sucks that she can't come over." She leaned back on the chair, yawning.

Avery nodded in agreement without looking at her. "Mhm..."

-A Day After Insertion-

Avery opened his eyes, turning his head to the right. He was greeted with the sight of a grey wall belonging to the Spawn Building.

'Right, I'm in Remnant.' He thought as a wave of feeling washed over him. 'And here I am thinking this was all a dream.'

He groaned, his eyes still yearning to be closed and his cold body protested to every movement he took. Those effects should be expected when you sleep on concrete ground with absolutely nothing but the clothes that hang on to you.

'It was supposed to be my birthday today.' Avery realized, trying to regain a feeling of cohesiveness with his body. 'This is a shit gift, thanks Brothers.'

Standing up, he did some stretching and simple exercises. The windows and the caved in ceiling leaked in sunlight from the outside. After a while, he assumed an Ox stance with a Longsword he just spawned. He did a few test swings, feeling a rush of air passing over him with each swing.

Avery sighed, his left hand gripping the sword in reverse and settling it against his hip. He heard heavy footsteps coming from the door, it belonged to the Elite from last night. It took him awhile to notice, but there was faint traces of blood on its face or helmet, as if someone dragged a bloodied hand across it.

The Elite was also still using the shotgun, dried blood still clinging to it.

"Good morning." He greeted, unaware of how monotous it sounded due to doing it for a long time. "We have a big day ahead of us, so get everyone ready."

It simply nodded before disappearing out of sight, presumably to the outside. Avery opened up the TSM, going over to the NPCs tab of the Spawnmenu. Remembering how many squads were still alive, he spawned three Combine Ordinals each accompanied by a Suppressor and a Charger. He sent them with the orders to support the leftover squads, following them out of the building when they began to run out.

Avery covered his eyes from the lens flare- wait, no that was just the Sun being the Sun. After having his eyes adjust to the sudden intake of light, he breathed in the morning breeze that passed him.

Mountain Glenn suprisingly had the 'serene abandoned city from the past' vibe pinned down when there was no creatures of destruction ready to get his ass, if only he had a camera...

'Wait.' Avery dropped his sword, which disappeared in a burst of cyan pixels when it hit the ground, and got to the TSM. He saw the icon belonging to the 'Camera' weapon and his eyes lit up, pressing the icon. The camera materialized on his right hand, ready for use.

He took the picture, and his TSM beeped. The screen revealed the picture he took and an option to print it out was there, also saying that the screenshot data was kept in the Settings. Avery decided to decline the option for the time being, already satisfied with the captured photo.

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