Chapter 1: Welcome, Brandon!

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        Anna couldn't have been happier. He was with the love of her life, Brandon. It was all she wanted, and more. Anna loved Brandon so much. It seemed as if nothing could ever tear them apart. But did they show their love to the world? No they did not. They decided to keep it secret in the private chat on Skype. It's too bad they live in two different states. Long distance relationships don't tend to work out most of the time. Could this be the exception?

        But before we can continue our story, you'll need some background information. It didn't happen just like that you know.

        It was a nice, fun evening on ROBLOX. Anna and some friends were playing on Build Epic Stuff 2014. They all were having a great time. Then suddenly, trikster84, (Brandon), joins the server.

        "Who is this?" asked Charlie, the owner of the server.

        "I'm not sure", responded Zach, the co-owner. They were all really confused. They didn't know who this stranger could possibly be. Did they know him from before?

        "Hey guys!" said the stranger. "Remember me? I'm lonerapper. Elvis, you should remember you dirty slut."

        "OH YEAH!" exclaimed Elvis with excitement. "How's it hanging, man?"

        "Oh you know, slightly to the left."

        Elvis introduced the rest of us to Brandon, and a few days later they all learned his name is Brandon. He fit right in. About a month later, Brandon and Anna were talking. That's the day Anna began to crush on him. Brandon felt the same way, but more... sexual-ish. Brandon became a great friend of everyone, but Anna felt differently. She wanted to be with him.

        During the first week of December 2014, that's when Brandon and Anna had their little chat. Brandon went and told his friend Charlie everything that happened right after. Charlie turned around and told his girlfriend immediately. Then at school the next day, the shipping name #Branna was born. It's stuck since then. Here is the chat that they had.

Brandon: Hey Anna

Anna: Hey. Sup?

Brandon: Nothing much. Listen. I gotta tell ya something.

Anna: ?

Brandon: I think I have a crush on you.

Anna: ...Really?

Brandon: Yea....

Anna: I sorta have one on you too.

Brandon: omg really?

Anna: yeah

Brandon: Man. Maybe when I'm 16 and I get a drivers licence, I can drive over to wherever you guys live and ask you out on a date.

Anna: <3 Maybe

Brandon: <3

        Ever since then, they keep the relationship to themselves. Nobody knows how it is progressing on, but the taunting continues. But #Branna lives on. Much more than everyone else on the Skype chat may be able to see. Brandon and Anna are perfect for each other. But they just don't realize how perfect they are. But Anna wanted to be with Brandon. She loved him. She kept her mind off of him by Skyping with friends, and playing ROBLOX. She also liked to taunt Charlie and Izzy about their relationship, which, everybody knows about. But #Branna still dwells beneath that relationship, waiting to pop up and be realized. And it was. 2015 is the year of #Branna. And here's the story.

#Branna: The FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang