Chapter 2: 10 years later...

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        10 years after Brandon and Anna met each other and admitted their love for one another is where our story continues.

        Brandon couldn't have been happier. About a year ago, He finally got to meet Anna in person. Their love continued on all those years, and here they are. From 2015 to 2025, their relationship lasted hidden in the shadows. But it finally happened. #Branna was canon. For the past year, Brandon had been going on dates with Anna. It was on September 7th, 2025 that Brandon decided to propose to Anna. He went out and bought the ring the day before. "Could this be it?", wondered Brandon. He was feeling anxious about it. What would happen if she said no? What if she'd been pranking him this whole time? He didn't know what to do. Brandon decided he'd gather his courage, and go for it. That's what he did with all the jokes he's made over Skype with his friends for the past 10 years.
        The next night, Brandon took Anna on what could very well be their final date. Brandon had the ring in his pocket. He was ready.
        "You look great tonight", he said with a smile. "How did I, out of all people, end up with a beautiful girl like you."
        "Oh, stop it", she replied, with a blush. "You're the sweetest." Brandon replied with a shrug.
        "Hey, listen. I got something to ask you."
        "What is it?"
        Brandon got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of his pocket. 
        "Anna. You're the most important girl in my life. I've never loved anyone more. Will you be my personal slut?" he asked, in hope of the answer yes. Anna started crying, and covered her mouth with her hands. She was obviously in shock."
        "Yes", she said, still crying tears of joy. "Yes. Yes I will."

        It was a month later they had their wedding. It was a big party. Everyone from the Skype group showed up. Well, those who didn't leave or... for other reasons stopped talking to them. "Do you take Anna as your lawfully wedded wife?" asked the Priest, (but as Brandon liked to call him "The Beast").
        "I do", replied Brandon.
        "And Anna. Do you take Brandon as your lawfully wedded husband?", The Beast asked.
        "I... do", replied Anna with the biggest smile upon her face. And with that, they were married.

        Brandon couldn't have been happier. He had the love of his life right where he wanted her. He couldn't wait to do things with her. They could live out their lives together. He loved Anna so much. For their honeymoon, Brandon and Anna went to Venice. They had a great time. They seemed to be getting along very well. Nothing was going wrong whatsoever. Brandon and Anna always had a good time everyday, all day. Nothing could tear this relationship apart. Or... was there something?

        They decided not to have any children for the time being. They needed to stay together alone for a while. Maybe in a few years. It's been 3 months since Brandon asked Anna for her hand in marriage. They still lived for eachother. Every year that went by, nothing had changed. Brandon makes YouTube videos for a living, and he became quite a success. Anna became an artist. They even worked together sometimes.
        Brandon decided to do a meetup with his fans. He recently hit 10 thousand subscribers on YouTube. He decided to bring Anna along. They walked down the street, got in a cab, and drove to the airport. The airport wasn't as busy as it normally is. Odd. Security was quick and easy, and they boarded their flight with no troubles. The flight went smoothly. Brandon watched movies with Anna, and they slept a bit too. Brandon awoke with 30 minutes left on the flight. Anna was right beside him, leaning on his shoulder. "She's adorable.", he thought. "Should I wake her up and tell her we are landing soon? Nah. I'll let her sleep a bit more."

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