Chapter 3: Meeting Old Friends

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   It was 15 minutes later, and Anna was still asleep. Brandon started to worry.
        "Anna?" said Brandon, with a concerned look. "ANNA!?" She woke up.
        "Whaaat?" she asked, with a sleepy look on her face. "What is it?"
        "Nothing." said Brandon. "Just checking on you." Anna smiled at him.
        "Are we there yet?" she asked.
        "For the most part, yeah. We are."
      "Oke cool." Anna was excited. She's never been to Los Angeles before. This is the second place she's been to both with Brandon and in general. She couldn't wait to explore the city and see the sights. It was possibly one of the most exctiting things that has ever happened to her. Not the most, of course. There were better things that have happened.
        They landed safely, and went to get their bags. As they walked outside of the airport to their rented car, Anna started to feel like someone was following them. Who could it be? Just her imagination? No. There's nobody there.
        It was a beautiful drive from the airport to their hotel in the city. Anna kept pointing out sights while Brandon drove, nodding his head while taking quick peeks. He kept looking over at Anna's tits though. "MAN HOW THOSE MELONS HAVE GROWN!", he thought while quietly saying it out.
        "What was that, dear?"
        "Alright then..." Anna went back to looking out the window. Brandon thought to himself, "Phew. That was close. I have to be more careful." But Anna heard what he said. "What a pervert.", she thought. But she just shook the thought off.

        They arrived at their hotel, got settled in, and headed out towards the meetup. As they arrived, a car came swerving down the road. Anna jumped on Brandon to push him out of the way. They landed almost face to face. Brandon laughed and rubbed his nose against hers. Anna got up and brushed herself off. She was blushing, knowing everyone on the streets saw it. They headed inside.
        Brandon had the meetup with his fans, but only about 200 showed up. But those 200 fans went crazy with fangirling. They LOVED Brandon.
        "Thank you!", exclaimed Brandon. "You're all too kind! Now it's time to get down and shake that ass!" All the fans turned around and started twerking. Anna laughed, but thought it was pretty odd. The fans got to meet Anna too. She told them she did some artwork for his channel, and the fans went crazy for her.
        "You should make your own channel for artwork."
        "Yeah you should."
        Anna thought this was a good idea. She loved the idea. Then somebody in the auidence yelled out "COOOOCCCCCKKKKK". It was Alex. An old friend of Brandon and Anna.
        After the meetup was over, they went to greet him. They had a lot of catching up to do. Alex quit about 6 years ago when he went to collage. It looked like he was just starting out his life.
        "How's it hanging, guys?" asked Alex.
        "Oh you know, slightly to the left." said Brandon.
        Anna punched his arm. "C'mon sweetheart. That joke is overused."
        "So. I see you guys got married. Congradu-fuck-ilations on the popularity, Brandon."
        "Thanks man. So, what've you been up to. As if I couldn't guess. Stripper?"
        "Nope. I'm actually an actor for YouTube videos. I create short scenes of all kinds."
        "Oh wow! That's great!" said Anna.
        Brandon sarcastically said, "cough Porn cough"
        "Ha. You wish." replied Alex, rolling his eyes.
        They continued to converse for over an hour. Alex finally had to go. "Good luck, you two!" he remarked. The couple walked outside together, holding hands.
        Suddenly, they see a golf cart driving down the street going extremely, dangerously fast.
"MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" they hear as it drives by. Then, it crashes into a tree. Anna and Brandon look at each other and run over to the scene. They look inside the golf cart to find no other than Elvis, an old friend of theirs.
        "Oh my god!" yelled Anna. "Elvis! Are you alright?"
        "Eh, you know", replied Elvis with a sullen look on his face. "Just a little high."
        "Niiicce bro!" said Brandon. They highfived.
        "I see you two lovebirds are still together."
        "Yep. Actually, we're married", Anna said with a grin on her face, looking up towards her husband.
        "Huh. Didn't see that coming. How long?"
        "Three months. I thought you knew this. You were at the wedding."
        "Oh yea. Sorry. This sugar looking candy is really getting to me. Someone left it as a gift for me in my box. What a nice guesture."
        "Um..." Brandon started to speak, but decided against finishing the sentence. "Nevermind."
        "Well, I gotta go now guys. Have fun! I'll talk to you on the Skype chats!"
        "Alright. See ya Elvis", Anna and Brandon said syncronized.

        Anna and Brandon continued on with their day, and their trip. They went back home, and talked about what a good time they had. They should take another trip soon. But until then, they had their work to get done. Anna liked being with Brandon. It hasn't even been half a year, and look at all that's happened so far. She thought nothing could break them apart. She loved Brandon and he loved her back. But how much did he really love her?

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