Chapter Four: The Hidden Valley

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Coriann's eyes flickered open and she blinked a few times. Where was she? Whispers reached her ears and she turned her head to the left and then to the right, trying to pinpoint from which direction the sound was coming from. She lifted her head some and looked about her. She was in a large bed but she couldn't tell what the bed itself was made of. The room was large, airy, and bright due to the two large windows on either side of the bed. She looked to the end of the bed and saw three elves standing there, whispering.

"Excuse me, but, where am I?"

The elves turned around and Coriann saw that all three were males. None of them looked very old, in fact, they looked rather young but the one that came to the side of the bed had lines on his face telling of years and wisdom. His hair and eyes were the same shade of brown and like all elves, he was tall. As she studied him, he studied her. 

Then, graciously he said, "You are in Rivendell Mistress Dwarf. I am Elrond, lord of Rivendell. These are my sons, Elladan and Elrohir."

Coriann tried to push herself into a sitting position but a sharp pain shot from her right hip down her leg and up her side. She paled visibly and Elrond supported her and helped her. After she had regained her composure, she smiled wanly. "Thank you my lord for your help. But please, what happened? I remember nothing after the arrow hit me."

The elf lord sat down in a chair by the bedside that Coriann hadn't seen while his two sons went to stand behind him. "A small party of elves were out riding when they saw you attacked by the Orcs. At the time you were attacked, they were too far away to help you but they arrived just as you were shot. Elladan caught you before you made impact with the earth as the others elves, led by Elrohir, fought the Orcs and Wargs. Then they brought you to me."

The dwarf held her hands out to her rescuers and they took them with smiles on their faces. "I cannot thank you enough for the service you have rendered me. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

Elrohir looked at his brother who nodded in response and then he asked, "What is your name and why are you being so kind and gracious to us? For it is known far and wide that dwarves bear no love for elves and elves bear no love for dwarves."

"I am Coriann, daughter of Dis, sister of Fili and Kili the sons of Dis, and niece to Thorin Oakenshield the renowned warrior. I bear no ill will nor hatred towards elves for they have done me no harm."

It was quiet in the room for a few minutes and then the brothers said together, "You can repay us by remaining kind towards others."

With a smile she looked at all three of the elves that had saved her life. "I can do that. But, that doesn't include the evil creatures of this world does it?"

Elrond laughed and responded, "Dear me! Absolutely not."

It grew quiet for a little while and in that silence Coriann leaned back against the pillows and looked more closely at the room she was in. It was made of stone, one of the windows had a balcony that overlooked the slope that led down to the river's edge and the waterfall. In the room, against one of the walls, was a desk with paper and writing utensils upon it. Several chairs filled the room and a chest sat under the other window.

"Lord Elrond, what is the chest for?"

"It holds clothes. For now it is empty but we can fill it with clothing for you when you are ready to leave your bed."

"How long must I remain?"

He looked down on her with compassion written on his face as he took her smaller hand in his larger one.

"Till the end of winter. Your wound will take a long time to heal." 

She nodded in understanding and then they left her and she fell asleep.


The days passed and Coriann's wound healed slowly. During that period she spent a lot of time with Elladan, Elrohir, and Lord Elrond learning the art, lore, and ways of the elves. She learned more of Middle Earth history than she had ever been taught and soon she could quote sections of the different stories. One day as she limped slowly to the gardens Lord Elrond came up to her.

"Coriann, shouldn't you send a message to your family? I'm sure that they're worried about you."

She shook her head and stood still. "No my lord. By now they would believe that I am dead and so it is better if I return home when I am better to dispel any doubts in person."

The elf nodded and the two continued on towards the gardens together talking quietly of the story of the Silmarils. When they reached the gardens, Elrond helped her sit down on a bench and then he took his place beside her.

"Are you happy here?"

"Aye. It is peaceful and hidden away from the rest of the world. A safe haven for a storm tossed ship or in my case a wounded traveler. I am happy to be away from the rest of the world for a time. But my lord, how much longer till I will be able to walk without a limp?"

Elrond looked out at the trees, bare of their foliage, and answered quietly, "When the first buds of spring come, then you will be healed."

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