Chapter Five: Healing

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A few weeks later Coriann was sitting in her room by the window reading a book on dwarf history that Elrond had compiled. The door to her room opened and she looked up to see Elladan standing in front of her. She shut the book and smiled. He smiled and went to sit by her.

"Are you enjoying what you've been reading?"

"Aye. It passes the time when my hip is aching."

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Maybe I can take some of the pain away."

She shook her head and shifted her position a little. "Nay. Allow the pain to run its course. I thank you though, for only someone who cared would have offered to do that."

Elladan smiled and nodded in understanding. Then a noise was heard outside the door and Coriann laughed.

"Elrohir, come in. You've been standing out there for a good while now."

The elf entered with a sheepish grin on his face and took a seat on her other side. She looked at the brothers and laughed once more.

"Alright now, what do you both want?"

Elrohir looked at Elladan and then down at the floor. "Tell us more about yourself, you've already told us about your life in the Blue Mountains but we'd like to know what you do to take you away from home."

Coriann settled back in the chair and plucked at some fuzz on her brown trousers.  "Well I lead tradesmen safely to wherever they're going. I've gone to Gondor, Rohan, the far north, the far east, Esgaroth, and various other places where the race of Men dwell. I've also led dwarves to the Iron Hills where our kin live."

"And you were returning home after one such trip?"

"Aye. I had led a group of men, women, and children from a village in the west to Rohan where they wished to rebuild their lives."

The room was quiet and then Elladan asked, "Who was the leader of the group?"

"A man named Kiliene. He's now a friend of mine and I miss him."

"What is he like?"

"He's tall, his skin is tanned from working in the sun. He's strong and hardworking, kind, loving, compassionate to those in need, gentle, a born leader, and he is widowed."

"And you miss him?"

Coriann's eyes narrowed a bit as she stared at the wall. In a whisper she said, "Aye. He is a good friend, one I wish I could have by my side all the time." Then she shook herself and looked at the brothers on either side of her. "You both are good friends as well. I could not ask for better friends here in Rivendell."

They hugged her in return and soon all three were talking about the best way to throw a knife.

But her words lingered in the minds of Elladan and Elrohir.


Time passed and Coriann watched the winter pass away as she waited for her wound to heal completely. Several weeks after she had told Elladan and Elrohir about Kiliene and what she did for work outside the Blue Mountains, Lord Elrond came to see her.

"Coriann, the boys tell me that you've been walking more and faster over the last few weeks."

"Yes mi'lord."

"How is your hip feeling?"

"It still aches some but walking has become less painful and easier."

Lord Elrond sighed some and took her hands in his. His brown eyes searched her hazel ones as he said, "Spring is still a ways away. I could send you home sooner if you wish to return."

Her face became serious and she shook her head. "No Lord Elrond. I will wait till I am fully healed. I could ask for no better care than what I have received here by your hands."

A smile settled on his face and he straightened up. Looking down at the dwarf he nodded. "Then Mistress Dwarf, we will wait till the spring."

She smiled and then stood. "I'm going to take a walk in the gardens. I've been sitting too long today." Coriann left the room and made her way towards the gardens. As she wandered about, she heard the sound of a twig being snapped in half behind her and then a voice.


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