Chapter Six: Feelings Shown

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She whirled around and clapped a hand to her mouth. There, standing before her, was Kiliene. Time seemed to stand still as she looked at him. Even over the course of the weeks since they had parted he hadn't changed much. His hair was still light brown, his eyes were still blue but there was a twinkle in them that hadn't been there before. His beard was trimmed neatly and softened the chiseled look of his face. 

Then time started moving again and Coriann was running into his arms. He caught her up and held her close to his chest as she sobbed quietly into his shoulder. Gently he stroked her hair and whispered in her ear,  "I missed you, Coriann."

"I missed you as well, Kiliene. I don't know how to explain it other than I felt a little empty after saying goodbye to you."

"As did I. Coriann, I love you. I don't want to live my life without you."

She drew her head back and looked him in the face. Incredulously she asked, "What did you say?"

A smile settled on his face as he answered. "I love you."

A blush spread across her cheeks and she hid her face in his neck, to overcome by emotion to respond. 

"Is there any hope that you will return my affections?"

She looked at him shyly, the blush still in her cheeks, and she nodded. The smile on Kiliene's face grew wider and their lips met in a kiss.


Elrond watched from a window as the two emerged from the gardens and a slight smile settled on his sad features. Never a day passed that he did not miss his wife, Celebrian, and his youngest daughter, Celebwen, with all his heart. He sighed some and tears filled his eyes. Celebrian was gone, never to return to Middle Earth, but Celebwen could return to Rivendell whenever it was time. He wiped his eyes on a handkerchief and made his way outside to where Coriann and 

Kiliene were standing. 

"Coriann, is this the man you were telling us about?"

"Yes, Lord Elrond. May I present Kiliene, son of Tholien, son of Brothiene. Kiliene, this is Lord Elrond, lord of Imladris the last homely house east of the sea."

Kiliene bowed and Elrond returned the courtesy. Then they went inside where Elladan and Elrohir were waiting for them. They came forward and Kiliene said, "Thank you for sending the message to me, Elladan and Elrohir. You have brought me great happiness."

Coriann's mouth dropped open in amazement and she asked,  "You two sent for him?"

Elladan smiled as Elrohir spoke. "We did. There was a look of sadness in your eyes when you told us about him and we decided that the best thing to do would be to send for him."

"And now the sorrow is gone from your eyes and great joy reigns there."

Coriann let go of Kiliene's hand and hugged the sons of Elrond, whispering thanks and blessings on their heads. They chuckled and hugged her back, for a strong bond of friendship had grown up between the three of them, a friendship that had not been seen since the dark days so long ago. Then they parted and the evening was spent in feasting and tale telling late into the night.

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