Chapter Twenty-Four: A New Chapter

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"Kiliene!" a voice hissed in his ear. The man sat up quickly, looked at his wife and then did a double take. Coriann had her traveling cloak and a pack on her back and on her front a two month old Hama was fast asleep, snug in a blanket in his carrying sling. Kiliene blinked.

"Coriann, what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving. I can't take it here anymore! I've got to go and be a guide again! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE OR ELSE I'M GOING TO GO NUTS!"

Kiliene ran his hands through his hair and pushed the covers off while hushing his wife. He stretched and got out of the bed.

"If you're going, I'm going."

"Love, you don't-"

He held his hand up while a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"No. I will hear no argument on this. You're taking our son, and I'm going to come with you. Also, I don't want to be left alone with Fili for the length of time you'll be gone."

Coriann chuckled.

"Come then, but be quick about it. I'll go get the horse and pony ready."

Kiliene bent and kissed the top of her head and then she left the room. Moving speedily the man got ready and was soon walking down the halls of the dwarven stronghold, making his way to the stables silently. Shaking his head, Kiliene had to chuckle some. He had noticed over the last few days that Coriann had been growing restless. It had been too much to hope that she would settle down to a quiet and somewhat boring life after having Hama. Raking a hand through his hair, Kiliene had to admit that their life would most likely end up being one of sporadic traveling and he wasn't going to take that away from his wife. She had lived too long coming and going and he knew that if she were to be cooped up she would feel like a bird in a cage. Better to let her travel when she needed to, go with her, and support her in it than stand against her.

"Besides," he said, "she stayed here the whole time she was pregnant with Hama after she got it confirmed and came back and he's two months old now, she's been here for a good while. It's time to go back out into the world again."

"Who are you talking to sweetheart?" Coriann whispered.

Kiliene gasped. He hadn't realized that he was in the stables. Shaking his head, he sputtered,

"Man alive, woman! Don't startle me like that!"

Coriann giggled as she took his hand and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry darling. I didn't mean to scare you."

Kiliene smiled and gently rubbed Hama's head before going over to his horse and Coriann's pony.

"Down to Bree?"

"Actually, I was thinking about going to that trading outpost south of Rivendell."

Taking the reins in his hands, Kiliene led the horses outside, while asking over his shoulder,

"The one on the other side of the Misty Mountains or the one on the same side of the Mountains as Rivendell?"

"The latter."

He nodded and then looked at his wife. She had never mounted with Hama in his carrying sling before, in fact, she hadn't been in the saddle since she had returned with the news that she was pregnant. His brow furrowed and Coriann cocked her head at him.


"How are you going to mount with Hama in his sling?"

Her eyes twinkled as she placed a foot in the stirrup and swung herself into the saddle. Kiliene gaped and Coriann just smiled at him.

"I've been practicing mounting with Hama in his sling for a couple weeks."

Kiliene mounted, shaking his head.

"Of course you have. Why did I think otherwise?"

"Because you didn't know. It's fine that you didn't know love."

He smiled down at her and then they galloped out of the stable yard, over the bridge, and off into the night.


Days of travel passed, nothing eventful happening to them on their way. Upon arriving at the trading post, they found an inn and put up for the night. Once in their room, they washed up and Coriann fed Hama. Then they went to the dining room and found a table. Kiliene watched his wife's eyes glitter with excitement and anticipation. A calculating look settled over her face as she observed the people in the dining area, a mixture of merchants and travelers. Hama was once again fast asleep in his sling, sucking contentedly on his fist. Corianna had left her cloak on and finally nodded towards someone on her right.

"There. That man is the leader of a trading group and not a solitary merchant."

"Why is that important?"

"Solitary merchants don't usually travel very far since they're alone and because of that they make several trips a season. Groups go further because they have more to sell or trade in one go. And better pay comes with a group."

Kiliene nodded his head, impressed at his wife's knowledge. He continually learned from her when on these travels. Kiliene watched as the man Coriann had pointed out caught sight of them, or well caught sight of Coriann, and came over to their table. Then the information exchange and haggling began. By the end of the transaction, a good sized sum had been agreed upon for payment and Coriann and Kiliene had their marching orders.


Weeks passed and the Gamlings didn't return to the Blue Mountains. Kiliene started to wonder if they should return home but he remained quiet because Coriann was exuberant at not being cooped up inside anymore. And Hama was thriving and handling the traveling well. So Kiliene remained silent and bided his time until they arrived in Laketown one day. After getting settled in their room at the inn, Kiliene pulled Coriann onto his lap.

"Love, I have a question."


"Don't you think it's time to return home? We've been gone almost 4 months."

Coriann bit her lip and stared at the wall. With a sigh, she nodded.

"Aye. You're right. Hama is 6 months away from turning a year and we should be with our family when that happens."

Kiliene noted the flicker of sorrow in her eyes and he tenderly kissed her forehead.

"It won't be for long, my dear. After his birthday we can return to roaming Middle Earth again. I know you don't enjoy being cooped up, especially because you don't really have anything to do in the stronghold."

Coriann smiled and brushed his cheek with her lips.

"Thank you for understanding and loving me, darling. My life is fuller with you and Hama in it than it was before. We can stay here for a few days?"

"Yes, we'll stay here for a few days and rest and stock our provisions and then make the journey home."

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