~CHAPTER 2: Let's call it Mech X4 (part 2)~

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Ryan skated over to Harris, Spyder and I as we were all talking about the weekend.

"Hey Ryan!" I said as I noticed him.

"Hey guys! Okay I cannot believe that we saved this place from total destruction and we can't even tell anyone!" He said as he picked up his skateboard.

"Right! I wanted to meet Neil deGrasse Tyson. And Selena Gomez! But not in that order." Harris said.

"Hey, uh, were we supposed to keep it a secret?" Spyder asks.

"Spyder. What did you do?" I questioned him.

"Cassie Park here with the brave crew of Mech X4, Ryan Walker, Maliah Harper, Harris Harris JR and uh some other kid. How does it feel to be the heroes of Bay City?" Cassie asked as she recorded us. We just continued walking.

"Ryan! Maliah!" Students were cheering for us as we walked through the crowd. Some even had signs with our names on it. "Maliah! Maliah! Ryan! Ryan!" Some boys even attempted to put me on their shoulders but I declined them. They picked Ryan up and walked to the stage where Principal Grey was.

"For saving our lives, for being a hero here's a street performer doing the robot!" A street performer started dancing next to where we were standing. "A veggie burger that actually tastes good." Someone handed Ryan and I burgers. "And a check for one million dollars!" Some cheerleaders came up to us and handed us a check. They started cheering again, when I was pulled off the stage. I turn around and see Spyder.

"I just wanted to say M. that I like you. And I have since first grade and I just didn't know how to tell you..." he trails off. No way! He likes me! I like him too!

"I like you too Spyder!"

"Maliah, Maliah, Maliah Maliah Maliah! Maliah wake up!" I opened my eyes and realised it was just a dream and I had no idea whether Spyder likes me as more than a friend. Dad was standing in my doorway.

"What? It was just a dream?" I ask, still half asleep.

"What was? It's pancake Monday! I know that's a dream." Dad said. Dad left to go make more pancakes and I looked at my HarpPhone. I had a few texts from Spyder, just the normal what is the stupidest thing you've done because someone dared you? Oh and my personal favorite that he asks me every day what is the stupidest thing you've done out of your own free will? I answer his questions with just as random answers and head down to the kitchen. I had my blond hair in its double Dutch braids and my matching Unicorn pyjamas that said Unicorns are real.

"Here you go M&M. Chocolate Chip pancakes with some Nutella spread on it." Dad says as he hands me the plate.

"Thanks dad. Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Dad turned around to flip the pancakes and my eyes went to the HarpPad that was sitting open. I used my technopathy to turn the volume up as I grabbed it and leaned it against the bowl of fruit in front of me. It had Voice of Godfrey on it and he was talking about Mech X4.

"Mech X4 almost destroyed a school. Now half of you think that robot is a hero but the other half..." Godfrey stopped talking as other people who have been interviewed start talking. A cyclist comes up.

"Imagine for a second a giant robot foot comes out of nowhere. You think drivers are bad. Oh watch out!"

"It stepped on my baby!" A man said. Oh crap did we actually? "Is what I'm afraid could happen." I let out a sigh of relief.

"What are you watching?" Dad asked as he came over to watch it as well.

"Voice of Godfrey. He's shaming that new robot." I told him. Principal Grey was talking about how parents trust her with their children and how she was glad nobody was hurt.

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