~CHAPTER 7: Let's get our robot back!~

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Sorry for the long wait. I've moved schools and that whole process.

Mech X4 was rising out of the ferry and the flying Jaguarsaur came and picked up the robot from its position.

"No!" Ryan and I shouted out and raced forward. "Mark!"

"Maliah, we can control it from the outside!" Ryan shouted to me. I connected to the robot and I tried to activate it from the outside but I wasn't strong enough.

"Together." I interlaced my hands into Ryan's and we tried to connect to the robot but it wasn't working.

"We can't lose our focus!" Ryan yelled.

"We almost got it! Almost!" But it was too late. Jaguarsaur had taken it too far out of our reach and Ryan and I screamed out in pain as we were brutally disconnected from the robot.

"It's gone." Spyder said. "Are you okay M?"

"Uh yeah I'm fine." I answered.

"What are we gonna do?" Harris asked.

"They have the robot and they have Ryan's brother. We have to get them back." I told them. "We need a place to think." Harris pointed out the caravan and we made our way over. I opened the door and the boys followed me inside. I went and stood in front of the small kitchen resting my head on the cupboard in front and my hands on the bench.

"Hey, are you okay?" Spyder asked me as he came over and rubbed my back.

"Yeah. I told you, I'm fine. I just... I feel a little drained. Can we just... hurry up and look around? Maybe Leo has some way to track Mech X4." Spyder gave me a hug from behind before noticing a button.

"What about this button?" He pushed the button and one of the cupboards opened and a skunk jumped out. We all screamed and jumped back.

"Don't make it stink!" I yelled. As soon as I said that it lifted its tail.

"Oh dang son!" Harris exclaimed.

"Out! Out out out out out out!" I shooed.

"Go! Go to the light! Go to the light!" Ryan said as he opened the door for the skunk, standing on a ledge. The skunk made its way out and Ryan quickly shut the door.

"Close the door!" We all let out sighs of relief.

"That was close." Spyder said.

"Okay, back to the task at hand." I said. I sat down at the table and Spyder sat down next to me and placed his hand on my knee. I started going through a laptop trying to figure out a way to track Mech X4. "I got something. Hey check this out! Looks like Leo's set up some kind of transponder system. The robot is constantly sending out a tracking signal on a secret frequency and the satellite dish on Leo's roof is set up to connect to it. Let me see if I can get the GPS coordinates."

"Good work Maliah!" Ryan exclaimed as I typed a few things into the computer to set the satellite to find the robot. It came up with a lost signal sign. "Oh bad work Maliah!"

"What did you do?" Harris asked.

"The robot must have gone out of range." I answered. "The satellite's not strong enough to reach that far."

"Great. How are we gonna get Mech X4 and find Mark?" Ryan asked, getting frustrated. Spyder and I got up from our seats.

"Yeah they can be anywhere in the world." Spyder said, sparking an idea in my head.

"Anywhere on planet Earth..." I said the idea forming. I grabbed out my HarpPad from my backpack.

"I just said that." Spyder said. "Wait this is planet Earth, right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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