Chapter 5

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Elena was sitting on her bed she was 8 months along. She had everything ready for her girls to come. She felt a pain in her stomach and screamed. She pulled out her phone and Called Rebekah. She had a feeling that something was abnout to go terribly wrong and she needed someone to know that she was not "Hello."

"Somethings wrong" Elena knew that Rebekah was all the way in New Orleans she wasn't supposed to come till Elena was 36 weeks along.

"I'm in New Orleans i can't get there. But i know someone who can i'll be there by the end of the day i'm sending an old friend to your house unlock the door." Rebekah was worried and she was not going to let anything happen to her best friend or nieces and nephew.

"Alright" Elena said. She held her stomach and slowly got up and headed for the door.


Rebekah walked back into the compound where her brothers minus Kol were. She had stepped out to talk to Elena. Not wanting them to hear what she was saying."Hello."

"Hi i need you to go to my friends house quickly now don't ask questions." Rebekah had to get someone over their now. She was worried nothing could happen to them she would be heartbroken.

"You know i am?"

"Valarie!" Rebekah warned friend or not this was important to her."You know how to deliver a baby and i am to far right now. I can not make it she is having pains and she's only eight months so suck it up and get your little ass there your also a pretty damn good witch. I need you there right now. Or if something happens to her i promise i will kill you and everyone you have ever loved started with Stefan Salvatore ending with Lily Salvatore."

"Fine i'll go" She heard Valarie vamp away and then soon stopped."just walked in oh shit she's lying on the floor in a pile of blood I gotta go."

"Thank you so much" Rebekah hung up and everyone looked at her."WHAT?" She didn't have time for them she had to go.

"You don't have friends little sister" Klaus was curious to what was going on and why his sister looked so worried

"Rude" Rebekah scolded.."I do have friends."

Kol walked in with Davina. He immediantly noticed that something was wrong with his family."Whats with the tensions."

Hayley started to talk but was soon cut off by Rebekah."Just one of-"

Rebekah turned to look at her brother."Nothing that concerns you i still hate you. Your lucky your little girlfriend stole the daggers otherwise i would drop you at the bottom of the ocean. and accidentally forget the cordinates and just leave you to rot."

"Get over it Bex" Kol warned.

"Were not family and if i ever get my hand on the dagger you'll be my first target" Rebekah walked past them stopping when Klaus called her name,


She turned to them."I know you heard and i'm currently a little busy right now. I have to be in New York in the next three hours someone's life depends on it," Her phone started to ring she put it to her ear."Hello."

"Why isn't she answering her phone she always answers her phone Caroline is busy right now she can't take me all the way to new york."

"I don't know she blacked out. I'm about to leave new orleans right now i'm an original i'm fast but i'm not that fast." She wished that she had went their earlier that they would have stayed despite Elena nearly kicking them all out.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE BLACKED OUT. You said you would be their."

"When she reached 8 and a half i didn't expect this to happen Bonnie. I told her when she was 8 and a half i would be knocking on her door. Someone is with her ok and i've known this girl a long time. I trust her with my life and i know she'll do whats needed. My sister knows how to hologram you know how. Marcel has to handle a few things he'll meet us."

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