Chapter 2 - The Royal Gardens

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Soft wet grass squashed beneath the heels of his shoes as the King made his way into the gardens, towards a line of tall dense bushes. It was late evening and the sun was just peeking over the horizon, beckoning someone to come with it around the other side of the globe. The man would've loved to come along but that's not how things worked here. He reached a hand out, noting his emerald adored rings lacing his fingers. They had been there for awhile now, a gift from his late mother before her sudden passing at the age of thirty-two. Cole had only been twelve at the time, it had broken his heart.

The sweet smell of floral aromas filled his nose as the man made his way into the small secluded area, noting its- wait a minute! Someone had intruded on his special place! And it was that man, Alexander, from the royal stables below. He remembered their ordeal, it only occurred a few hours prior. Yet that anger still ran in his blood and in his bones, unable to predict his next move.

"What do you think you're doing here? In the royal gardens, where servants don't belong?!" Alexander didn't give the King a response, lightly flicking it away like a speck of dust on his shoulder. As if he meant nothing! As if he was nothing! "Are you even listening to me you insufferable coward? You dare speak to me that way earlier but cannot lift a finger here in the quiet evening?!" Cole noticed the sudden flicker of the man's eyes, darting from wherever they were before to see his face. Perfect. "You said something?" "I did- and address me properly! I am your King, you will bow down to me and show me respect!" Alexander seemed to hesitate, staring into the man's emerald green eyes. They seemed to dig past his own honey colored pupils and into the depths of his soul, judging his every motive. It frightened him, shocking him to his core. But yet he sat tall, glaring back into the eyes of the man he had already grown to hate.

"Fuck you." "Excuse me?!" The King flinched back, suddenly staring wide eyed at Alexander sitting on a bench before him. His hands began to shake, his eyes covered in red. How dare this man defy him like this? Treat him like this? The trembling feeling from his parted lips sent shock waves down his nerves, tears building up in his eyes. Cole was so angry that he couldn't even speak, he couldn't even move. Alexander grinned up at the man, realizing his small victory over the King. But that feeling was short lived as the King sat down on a stone bench across from him, his back hunched over as his head rested in his hands. "Your Majesty. . ?" His voice was timid and quiet, standing up and slowly making his way over. The shaking had stopped but the King wouldn't respond. What had happened? The soft sound of a flame on a candle nearby flickered in his ears, noting just how quiet it had become. The King's breathing was so rough and course, showing just how much strain it was for him to be talking in such a deep tone loudly. Why was Alexander worried? It didn't make sense.

Cole's mind was empty, completely and utterly empty. Order him a maid because this dome was about to fill with spider webs. His eyes naturally gazed down at the ground, stuck on a single blade of grass as it blew in the wind. Hot steaming air blew onto his hands from his nostrils, the sweet sensation of the warmth sending him back to the present moment. "Leave." His eyes gazed up at Alexander's face, noting the sudden shock at his words. For just a moment, he saw a hint of sympathy laced in the man's eyes. Was he worried about him? That's strange, why would anyone worry about the man who's attitude could be compared to a pile of horse shit. Nonetheless he stood, his eyes piercing the man with daggers of ice cold steel. "Good day." Cole turned around, letting his crown tilt a little on his head of curly brown hair before beginning to walk away.

A soft voice called out to him, Alexander's hand reaching out to try to grab his. "Wait!" His body turned slightly, seeing the man before him jerk back his hand and stomp his foot into the ground, determined to make a statement. "Actually-- leave you disgusting bitch!" Cole smirked, a little bit of feeling finally returning to his system. "Still have the audacity to throw a punch in, Little Crow~?" The man didn't respond well to that new nickname, his face blushing fiercely at those words. "Little Crow— what the hell is that for?" The King smiled, running his fingers on a stone pedestal as he gazed off into the night sky. Gods above, the sky was always so beautiful at night, the stars, planets and the Moon really tying the whole scene together. "Crows are annoying, pesky and take risks. You are also small." The servants face was painted with disgust, making the man chuckle. Cole shook his head, smiling at his own words.

"Goodnight, Little Crow." The King turned, brushing his hands on his pants before beginning to exit the small secluded area he called his own. Alexander began to yell at the man to come back, to tell him more about his true intentions. He himself didn't even know why he was there, what he was to do and where he needed to go. All he knew was that this little man was truly something else and Cole had a feeling that he'd be someone he'd know in the future. Well— how well was something to think about but that's for later. For now, the King had a warm bath and some comfy night wear to return to. Another day was now in the books and another was to come. It'll be just like the last one, won't it.

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