Chapter 6 - The Ballroom

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The beams of sunlight that peeked through the windows of the palace gently flickered on the stone flooring of the palace as Alexander made his way down to the King's sleeping quarters, a pile of freshly washed sheets gently held in his hands. It was early morning still, the sun just peeking its head over the horizon to tell this side of the Earth good morning. With every step, his polished leather boots echoed tiny clicks on the stone walls, making its way down the hallway to alert others of his presence. The King's door sat before him within seconds, his hand reaching out to place itself onto the rough wood as he pushed it, the hinges creaking due to years of constant use. Within the dark chamber, His Majesty himself was still laying in his bed, cuddled beneath his abundance of blankets, sheets, and comforters. Alexander gazed over at the man, paying him no mind as he entered to place his pile into its correct place and to get the hell out of there.

Cole's body trembled, shaking, and quivering due to the current events of his nightmare, unknowing of the presence of the servant in his room. He shook softly, whimpering as his sad, weak voice called out to the unknown. "Father. . . please. D-don't- don't hurt them!" His body curled up into a little ball, his fingers gripping any blanket or pillow he could reach and grab near him. The King's face was full of fear, worry, and disgust, wondering why his father would do such a thing! Please, stop this madness!

Alexander set his sheets onto the cubby near the King's bed, turning to leave as the slightest whimper from the man made him turn around. He seemed so vulnerable. So small, so weak. Like a little child hiding under the covers in fear that the monster in the night would get them. Yet the King's monster was real and he was nearby. Cole's dad was only a kingdom away, regardless of whatever anyone else would say or do. His body moved for him, Alexander walking over to the King and gently placing a hand onto his shoulder, shaking it softly. "Your Majesty, wake up. Please." Cole stuttered softly before his eyes fluttered open, his gaze locking with the servants. All of the darkness that had once surrounded him was gone, filtered out by the light that Alexander was shining. Alexander was the light, was this a sign? Maybe, maybe not, the King would probably try to talk to someone about that. "A-alexander! What might you be here for, young man?" Alexander scoffed but forced himself not to respond to the clear lack of attention towards their ages and just how close they were. "I came to give you sheets, what else would I be doing?"

Their eyes locked and a cloud lifted them both, high up into the great unknown that they called lift. It was almost like the sun was shining in Alexander's eyes, bright and full of hope and promise. Of what? A future full of life, light and warmth. What was this feeling? His body leaned further forwards, gazing contently into the honey colored eyes of his servant. The man backed away slightly, moving off of the soft sheets of the bed to the cold hard wooden floor. "Your Majesty, i-it's time to get up for the day. There's a great ball tonight, don't you remember?" Cole sat up in bed, his back rested against the cold headboard that separated his back from the wall. The light from the large bay windows had perfectly peeked through the blinds to shine right into his eyes, making the King rub his eyes softly in order to regain his vision. "Ah yes, the ball. Tonight. . ." Alexander had already made his way to the door, his hand placed on the handle as his foot was placed in the hall. The King's hand gently rested onto the man's shoulder, making him turn to look him straight in the face. "Your Majesty what is the meaning of-" Alex was unable to speak, Cole's other hand placing itself onto his mouth to shut him up. "The ball tonight, you will come."

What?! Alexander's mind was running wild, different scenarios building in his head. What about tonight? Why the ball? Why must he go? What would. . . the King do with him? Cole's forest green eyes pierced his, sending waves of butterflies coursing through his veins. No, this couldn't be happening. The servant couldn't be-! "Do you hear me, servant." It wasn't even a question, it was a statement. He had to hear him, it had to be done. "Y-yes. . . Your Majesty." A smile crossed the man's face, something Alexander had never seen before. Was he always this happy? No, never! So why? "I'll see you tonight, Alexander."


Time didn't seem to be moving by fast at all, the sight of people dancing on the ballroom floor blurring in Alex's mind. The girls dancing with the guys, their ridiculously expensive party clothes about to be drenched in sweat from all of their movements. His eyes couldn't seem to focus on one thing, the speed at which the dancers were moving was too much for the servant. And these clothes, the clothes given to him by the King himself once he had returned to his quarters, were so tight to his body. The corset took some time to put on and he was not used to it yet at all but my, he looked good in it! Well that's what everyone else said, Alexander couldn't believe them for a second. The song ended and the clockwork of people stopped spinning, sounds of claps echoing throughout the room. A sudden silence washed over the crowd as they all turned to the grand marble staircase, the door opening as the silence was struck with the cheers of the people. King Cole stood there, grand and handsome like always. His usual heavy woolen cloak, huge necklace adorned with jewels and his hidden leather boots that always clicked against the floor were gone, replaced with a beautiful white dyed cape, vest, tight pants and boots, still clicking against the floor with his steel heels. His fingers were still adorned with beautiful emeralds rings, earrings hanging from the loobs of his ears. My, he looked like starlight, bright and majestic. A true Northern Star in a sea of light and darkness.

His curled hair bounced up and down as he practically glided down the staircase, all eyes fixated on His Highness. A bright beaming grin was plastered onto his face, not a lick of makeup covering his natural features. Yet his skin glowed, the mix of attire and jewelry making him seem like the groom at a wedding. So masculine yet so beautiful. It was a mix like the Gods and Devils themselves. Everyone in the room gave a bow, Alex's body seemingly following suit as the King raised a gloved hand, also white, glancing around the room. His hand fell and as if by command, the ball resumed, everyone moving to the dance floor to begin the next song and conversations picking up where they left off. Alexander was surprised that Cole was traveling without guards at his side, knowing the dangers of what could happen at a party like this. But he knew better than to think that not every guard had their eyes glued to the man, ensuring his safety from a comfortable distance.

"You look like heaven on Earth." Alex's eyes flicked back to see Cole suddenly before him, his gloved fingers wrapped around his hand as he brought it to his lips, pecking it softly like anyone would do to a royal. But he wasn't royalty, just a lowly peasant with the tendency to get himself into trouble. "And- and you look like starlight." The King let out a soft chuckle, gazing up into the servant's eyes. They locked, tension flickering between them like the flame of the candles above them on the chandelier. Alexander feel deep into the forest, searching for his way out before settling down onto a log. Maybe he could stay for the night, gazing up into those wonders of the world as his life seemingly locked itself into his arms. "The corset looks good on you. They told me it wouldn't but I ensured that it would fit marvelously onto you body."

Alex's face flushed softly, a burning feeling he hadn't felt in forever. "You don't mean that. . ." He mumbled, shifting his gaze to the blurred crowd around him. Yet in all the trouble, Cole's hands made their way to the man's waist, pulling him close to his body. Their gazes locked once more yet their warmth swirled together, locking them in place. "Care to dance, Alexander?" Dance?! With the King! It seemed so absurd but even without an answer, the man pulled him out onto the dance floor, a pathway seemingly opening by the people seeing His Majesty. But the servant shook his head, his short black locks flowing with his movement. The King seemed displeased. "Formal dancing bores me, it's like watching swans perform a mating dance on the surface of a pool. Too magnificent, it distracts the eye from what's really happening." Cole's callused hands slipped from his, the once bright green eyes Alex gazed in a sudden mute. "You're. . . very observant, Alexander." 

A sudden bang sounded through the ballroom as all eyes turned to the main wooden doors, the Cole's full of worry. The servant had never seen that kind of emotion before in the man's eyes, he wondered what thoughts were fluttering in his mind at that very moment. The doors burst open and all color drained from the King's face, all eyes turning to him once the loud voice boomed through the arched ceiling of the room and down into the ears of all of those who resided within it. "Cole Andrepont. . . my son." "Father. . . so good to- to see you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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