Chapter 5 - The King's Quarters

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Warmth jumped across Cole's skin, Alexander's fingers sending shivers down his arm as they touched. Lips locked, limps touched, bodies turned. It was all so beautiful, so calm like the morning sun rising over the horizon but the stab of a spark of lightning in the eye of a storm. The sound of bed sheets gently bounced off the decorated walls as he explored the servants body, his smile sending warmth through Alex's insides. It was wonderful, a beauty unlike any other. "Cole. . ." The King rose from his position, a new lip mark placed onto the servants chest. "What is it, Little Crow~" The purr made the man smile but nonetheless, his voice sent daggers through the King. "You need to wake up."

Cole shot up in bed, sweat dripping down his forehead as his gaze moved towards the windows of his room. It was almost dawn, the Sun licking the edge of the horizon just begging to be picked up by the sky. Hands found the mans face as he regulated his breathing, running his hands through his hair. What the hell was that?! It fueled him like wood to a fire, speaking of which his fire had gone out and the room had grown cold. The King sighed, rolling out of his warm spot on the bed to go chuck another piece of wood into the fireplace, praying that whatever charcoal was left would inflict its heat onto the others and create a spark. Starting a fire wasn't easy, it sucked. The man grumbled, walking over to the window and gazing down at the gardens, his eyes softening at the sight of the two. Ah. . . love a first sight. He told himself that, there was nothing else to it.


Astrid was seated on the cold stone bench that sat within the small enclosed space that was the King's secret quarters. Who knew what he would do if he found them in there, ah- them. As if called by the thought, Hannah walked in, her beautiful dress flowing behind her as she graciously sat at the other bench across from Astrid. Everything she did was graceful, she always caught the woman's eye. It was like she was the Goddess of Grace, knowing when to curtsy and when to dance. When to lean and went to stand. She knew it all, like it was threaded deep within her bones from a young age. "Fancy seeing you here this morning." Astrid chuckled softly, running a hand through whatever hair came loose from her already broken braid. "I could say the same for you, Your Radiance." "Do not call me that! You know I'm not as radiant as the King himself." Astrid shook her head in disagreement, knowing full well that if she were to speak her mind it would release whatever thoughts lingered there. Thoughts of Hannah, Hannah the Graceful One.

"What would he think of that? His Majesty the King?" "Like I give a fuck." Maybe it was the wrong thing to say but Astrid really didn't give a fuck. She didn't. Her family was known for its lack of respect for their authorities, especially her brother. Well twin brother, Alexander always argued who was the eldest. It was clearly Astrid, well no one could really prove that but whatever. It was always something stupid that they could argue about. "Well I see where you're coming with that but I really do believe you should rethink your opinions on the King. He's nothing like his father and could grow into a wonderful leader." Astrid still grumbled in reply, rolling her eyes in disgust. "I'll be the judge of that."

Hannah's laugh made Astrids heart leap in her chest, which scared her and made her very happy at the same time. Love scared her and she knew full well that she was in love already. They had met long ago in the Palace Gardens right after the war had ended, even before King Cole Andrepont had his coronation to be crowned King of Xandra. Hannah had caught her eye that night and it was love at first sight, from the color of her hair to the glimmer of her eyes. She was star struck by her natural beauty, her face void of any makeup that could cover her features. Hannah was beautiful, inside and out. And Astrid? She was just a lowly guard of the Palace, just trying to make due with what her and her brother had. They would've never been able to marry those above them, it would be shamed upon. But. . . Hannah. . . She wanted her. Astrid needed her.

"Well, I have many things to attend to today, take care of yourself." Astrid didn't even realize that she was leaving until Hannah was out of the bushes. "Have a wonderful day Your Radiance!" "That's the Kings title, not mine!!" Astrid laughed at the reply, running a hand through her own hair before standing to attend to that days duties. She had to follow the King himself for the day, being promoted to the highest guard position: the Royal Bodyguards. How much better could that day get?

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