Chapter Forty: Anxiousness Of Rome

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Authors Note: Hello! I know this is very rare that I create a "Authors Note" for this story, but you will soon find this authors note pertinent to your enjoyment of the story. Firstly, I want to thank you for reading this story. It truly means the world. I try to thank you constantly because I am genuinely grateful. This story Idea simply came from creating the book cover. After creating the book cover (which took me one hour and thirty minutes), ideas for this story emerged and here's our product three weeks later! Any-Hoo, my main reason for this authors note is to announce that this is unfortunately, the last chapter for this book. I didn't want prolong things too much. Now before you go crazy, please know that I do in fact have a book 2 in th works! I have book 2's cover above or below in the media box! I hope you like the new cover it took some work! Well, that's all. I've bored you enough! Here you go, an extra LONG chapter(6337 words, not including this Authors Note).

Chapter Forty: Anxiousness Of Rome, Enjoy and don't forget to comment and vote!

"How much do you love me Jess?" I question, gazing absentmindedly onto my Diana Ross paraphernalia of my ceiling.

Her subtle breaths warm my insides as I await her answer. When her hand slips into mind, a delightful tingle is sent down my spine as she begins to answer.

"Love, adore and admire. I love you more than anyone or anything can measure. I adore you more than a mother would her newborn baby. I admire you more than the stars themselves. My words can't even top what's in my heart Michael" She whispers, her gaze focused on my ceiling as well.

I inhale deeply at her honest and vivid answer. I still wonder how a beautiful woman like her can love a man like me. I used my last relationships for physicality, allowing lust to reign before I even knew their names. But this one woman, Jesse Rose Edmond changed that.

She waltzed across a stage and right into my mind, little did I know then she would capture my heart the way she is now. A feisty being with as much love to give than she can receive. I pride myelf because of all the men should could've given her heart to, she chose me.

"I love you so much Jesse. I can't put them in words. I've been working on a little something. It's for the album. It came to me last night.." I whisper, turning on my side to inhale her beauty and capture a mental picture of her naturally precious she truly is.

"Are you sharing it with me?" She smiles, turning on her side as well.

I nod, closing my eyes as the familiar tune halts any firther thoughts. Through song I'm fully allowed to say what I can't otherwise. The melody is my urgency of expression, the lyrics, the mere book of my heart.

Inhaling deeply, I allow Jesse to sink deeper into my mind, allowing her to hear how she makes me feel.

"You know how I feel, I won't stop until, I hear your voice saying I do..." I hum, enterlacing our hands together.

She smiles,her curved lips displaying the unconvered love deep with her eyes. I place our palms over my left breats pocket.

"I do..." She whispers in return, gaining my full attention away from my fallsetto ballad.

"You do... I'll hold you this Jesse Rose" I chuckle, though I mean every word.

She giggles as well, her stare still penetrating me in the most admiring way. God I fall forr her more and more each day. One day, she will say "I do" and when she does, I will be the blessed man in which she agrees to marry.

One day.

I'm anxious, so very anxious. Today's the day I've been tallying on the calender of my tour bus. Every sleepless night, every lonely morning, all leading up tp to today where I can finally put an end to the torement and the torture. She's returning home to me. I've missed every bit of her throughout this past five months. Though the gracious invetion of telephones provided me with the sanity I needed to get through an hours long conversation with her, it will never amount to actually being in her presence.

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