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       He dwelth not in the sky.
       Above the universe so high.
       The creator of gods.
        The vapour of his breath lay down the planet.
       The single ruler every force falls under.
       His face like a burning metal.
    His throne set high where nothing else exist .
     God to the gods.
      Father to the earth.
      His voice louder than thunder bolts.

Far above beyond the pillars of  the universe ,the chief God watched down ,he created everything and set gods to control everything ,each prince assigned to watch over a certain territory but these gods were always in constant fight on how to extend their territory.
  He is the creator of all and the other gods were like governors ,the top gods were the gods of the skies,the were uniquely created and made he assigned them to govern the various skies of various tribes after he divided men for going against his will by changing their language he scattered them everywhere but his love for them made him send representatives and he watched men develop new cultures and it was very diverse in Africa .he sent amadioha to govern the Igbo tribe and stand guard over them ,he is a very brave and powerful warrior god ,he was made chief over the other Igbo gods and his female consort the goddess ala ,was in charge of the Igbo land .Amadioha had the power of lightening that was one of the attributes that landed him the position of the Igbo tribe sky ,other attributes were his wisdom and gentleness,although he can be revenging in war .his symbol was a white ram and he was extremely handsome ,red skinned and well built.
  The Igbo tribe spoke his language and called the AllFATHER God ,Chukwuokike abiama.
From the beginning amadioha stood hand in hand with the Igbo tribe ,help shape their landscape with rain and thunder and made his consort bring forth good food for his people .
  Amadioha !thunder rolled from above the universe it was chukwuokike that was calling out. With the speed mightier than light amadioha reported at once .
   The throne of chukwuokike was kept so high that no god was allowed to stand before him although he had beings standing around him ,all very bright but yet they can't behold the light of chukwuokike .amadioha bowed before him .rise he commanded  now tell me when  will your fight with sango end?,sango stood behind amadioha he was a sky god too and was assigned to govern the Yoruba tribe .
Once upon a time he was human and lived on earth he fought wars and chukwuokike he was called  olodumare meaning the
(lord of all source of creation according to the Yoruba culture ) was amazed by his prowess in wars ,he was loyal to the gods and stood for what was right .olodumare gave him so much powers that he could breath out fire .he was made the third alaafin of the Yoruba he disappeared when he ate the ears of his second without knowing he got so angry that he breath fire for days olodumare wanted him to live in the sky so he made him a god and gave him the ability of  lightening ,he also made him to govern the Yoruba sky .
     When will the fight end he asked ?
Chukwu amadioha called him by the cultural name.Sango  is trying  to take over the willow land that lies east in the spirit world and I can't allow that the longitudinal lines shoes it is facing my people so its belongs to me .you lie amadioha the latitudinal lines shows it faces my people it is my land the both said roaring at each other.
    You are gods and you are fighting over land like mortals do .what a shame the chief God thundered.every land belongs to me and I give no one that land this fight should end it is causing chaos in the land of the living as a result of your wars in the spirit realm is changing its color both of you should leave my sight .lf this fight continues l shall turn your people away from you and they shall see you both as evil .The both gods left back to their realms.
  Sango is really playing with me that land belongs to my tribe ,he is human turned god what does he know?he fumed.he sat on his throne a bright throne made of lightening.But chukwu okikie warned you !ala told him..goddess keep quiet! I mustn't let this go that land is mine..

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