Episode 9🐞

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{Scene: Park}
Marinette and Adrien are helping the man stand up.

•Old man: Thank you young lady, thank you young man.
•Marinette: (worried) Are you okay?
•Adrien: (worried) Did they hurt you sir?
•Old man: No, everything is fine. I´m good.
•Marinette: (while cleaning the man´s jacket) What kind of people do something like this?
•Adrien: People who think they can take and have whatever they want and whenever they want.
•Marinette: Does this happen often to you sir?
•Old man: No. Not always.
•Marinette: (shocked) Not always? That´s horrible.
•Old man: (faces her and smiles) It is very kind of you to worry about me young lady. (stops for a few seconds and then starts talking again) Well, I have to keep going. It was very pleasant to meet you...?
•Marinette: Marinette.
•Adrien: Adrien.
•Old man: Marinette and Adrien. Thank you so much. It was nice to meet you.
(says, pass by them and leaves)
•Marinette: Take care.

•Adrien:That was really brave of you Marinette, but at the same time really
stupid. To take a risk like this,they could of hurt you.
•Marinette: I know but, I couldn´t just sit and do nothing. Something I learned is to always help people who are in need. And this poor man was.
•Adrien: You are right. And again it was really impressive of how you handled the situation,but next time be more carefull. (worried) You never know what kind of people they are. (says as they start walking back to their bench where they left their bags.)
•Marinette: (suprised) Were you worrying about me?
•Adrien: (akward,shy) No, I mean yes of course I was. I still am. I don´t want anything to happen to my friend.(they pick their bags)
•Marinette:Yeahh, friends of course. We are friends (says a little sad but tries not to show it)
•Adrien: So, sorry to ruin it now, but I actually have to go home now. My father will be worried about me.
•Marinette: Yes of course. I have to go back too.
•Adrien: It was nice hanging out with you today.
•Marinette: (happy) Yes it was.
•Adrien:So, see you tomorrow then. Bye
•Marinette: Bye (says and looks at Adrien leaving) (sighs)

{Scene:Back at Marinette´s room}
Marinette comes home. She goes right away in her bedroom. She throws her bag on the floor, lays on the bed and starts looking on the
ceiling. She is thinking about Adrien and about the poor old man.

•Sabine: (calls from the kitchen) Marinette?
•Marinette: Here mom. I´m in my room.(Marinette´s mom goes upstair)
•Sabine: When did you came home?
•Marinette: I just got here.Sorry I didn´t stop at the bakery first.
•Sabine: It´s ok sweetie. (looks Marinette) Everything ok?
•Marinette: (stands up, takes her bag and goes in her desk) Yeah.
•Sabine: How was school today?
•Marinette: (takes her homework out of her bag) It was good. Just like every
other day.
•Sabine:(worried) And are you ok? You look a little pale. (places her hand on Marinette´s cheek)
•Marinette: I´m just a little tired that´s all (smiles) Don´t worry mom.
•Sabine: Ok. Well if you´re hungry, there is food on the fridge.
•Marinette: (smiles) Thanks mom.

{Scene: Adrien´s house}
Adrien opens the door and walks into the house. His father is standing on top of the floors, just a few meters aways from him.
His hands are behind his back and he looks serious.

•Gabriel: (in a serious way) Where were you Adrien? Do you have any idea what time it is?


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