Chapter 2

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Lightbulb's P.O.V

I was just in my room playing with Baxter until I heard party noises coming from downstairs.
I rushed downstairs because there's always something good to eat when a party is going on in Hotel OJ. Hopefully it's oatmeal raisins, their my favourite!
Downstairs, I saw Fan and Test Tube together talking, Knife and Pickle playing games like always and Ballon in a corner with Suitcase.
Then I saw........ OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIES! I rushed to them and immediately took the whole bowl. Almost everyone just stared at me.

I don't care, as long I have something to eat, it's fine.

I went to Test Tube and Fan to talk.

Fan's P.O.V

I saw lightbulb coming towards Test Tube and me with cookies in her hands, presumably oatmeal raisin.

"Hey! What you two talking about?"
Lightbulb asked.

"Nothing, just science stuff."
I replied.

We all talked for a bit until Lightbulb looked around

"Hey, did any of you see Painty?"

"They are probably in their room."
I replied

Paintbrush doesn't really come out that much.

"OK! I'll go find them."
Lightbulb replied while rushing towards me and Paintbrush's room.

After a bit Lightbulb rushed to us dragging Paintbrush.

"I found them!"

"Lightbulb why are you doing this?"

"C'mon Painty at least just talk with us for a bit!"


The two of them sat down with us and we actually started to talk.

We stopped our conversations when we saw something glowing green outside.

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