Chapter 3

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No one's P.O.V

The four went outside to check it out.
Lightbulb, being herself, ran towards it not waiting for the others to catch up. She stopped in her tracks when she saw what it was.
The other three eventually caught up to Lightbulb but also stopped when they saw what it was.

"A portal? I thought my time machine portal closed up!"

"It looks kinda different than the one I opened 'Tube."
(yes Lightbulb shortened it, I got this idea from episode 14)

"I need to get this on my blog."
Fan said as he pulled out his phone.

"Fan! Is your blog really that important right now? There is a litteral portal in front of us and we don't know what it does!"

Fan ignored Paintbrush and kept typing.

Paintbrush wanted to shout at him but didn't.

"Should we... go in?"
Test Tube asked nevoursly.

"Well, what's the worst that can happen? We already messed up the time line and you almost got 'eliminated' by Salt and Pepper."

"Lightbulb, I'm not sure about this."
Paintbrush said while holding her, preventing her from straight up jump into the portal.

"Calm down Painty, it'll be fine."

"I am kinda curious too, it would be a great story to put up on my blog!"
Fan said as he finished typing.

"Fine, but if we die and don't recover, I'm blaming you Lightbulb."
Paintbrush said.

"C'mon, just have some fun!"
Lightbulb said before jumping into the portal.

Paintbrush followed, then Fan and Test Tube last.

They didn't expect what happened next.

259 words

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