Chapter 4

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Hey, Rosy.


I wanna hang at your house after school, so can I?

Alright, what do you want to do anyways?

I wanna watch YouTube and maybe play some games.
Idk but I'm bored

OK then, see you at school.

Rosy picks up her books that are scattered everywhere and stuffs them into her bag.

"This is really heavy, but I'm gonna be late so I'll have to endure it."

She walked out of her house but didn't notice her bedroom window glow green.

Lightbulb's P.O.V

I cannoned out of the portal only to see a room with books everywhere, a phone and computer on a desk.
I tried to get up only to get knocked back down by something. Then it got heavier and heavier.

I thought I would have shattered by now but I wasn't. I guess I got lucky?

Then I heard Fan's voice.

"Wait Wha-"

I heard Test Tube shout.

I finally pick myself up but my hands looked weird, I actually had fingers that DON'T dissappear.
I saw three other..... beings here with me.

We all looked at each other with confusion.

" Who are you?"
A boy with red..... what's the thing on his head called?
I responded anyway.

"Hi! My name's Lightbulb."
I said with excitement in my voice, I get to meet new friends!

The boy- wait girl? They?
Well, a person shouted in shock.
The other two were also shook.

"Yeah,wait how do you-"

"It's me, Paintbrush!"

Wait what?

"And I'm Fan!"
The boy in red said.

I looked at the girl.
"Are you Test Tube?"

"Well..... yes."

So I don't have new friends. That's upsetting.

Test Tube's P.O.V

This..... is very, very interesting.
I think I saw things like this before, on the Internet I belive?
(the Internet works in very strange ways)
I remember Fan said that these are 'humans'. Everyone was just staring at each other for a few minutes.
I looked at myself....
I no longer had the liquid that kept me 'awake' yet I'm still standing, not talking about random things.
I touched my head.

It kind of felt smooth, I believe that it's called 'hair'.

We still stared at each other.

Gee, this is really awkward.

Lightbulb finally broke the silence.

"So, what are we? We certainly don't look like objects."

"I saw something like this on the Internet once and showed it to Test Tube, but I forgot what it's called."
Fan said.

I sighed and said "I remember that it's called humans."

"We look really weird."
Lightbulb laughed a bit.

"Um- how are we gonna get back? Are will gonna be stuck like this?"
A person who has a darker skin color, Paintbrush, asked.

"Until we find a way back, yes, we are stuck like this."
I replied.

No one really talked after that expect Lightbulb and Fan, they both just talked how interesting this world was.

I walked around the room, it was messy, but it isn't as messy as my lab.
There was a phone besides a computer.
Not thinking about privacy, I picked up the phone.

Of course, it's locked.
I just put down the phone and looked at the computer. It was closed.

It was probably locked too.

I just sighed and sat besides Fan who was now fiddling with his fingers.

But there was still a few questions in my mind.

Who lives here? What's inside their locked phone and computer? Why and how did that portal bring us here? Why did that portal even appear?

I looked at Paintbrush who was also lost in thought. Their probably thinking about questions too.

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