I Wonder What Grass Tastes Like

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Let me catch you up on what the von Trapp Family has been up to.

Almost three years ago the Nazi army invaded Austria and in turn requested Captain von Trapp resume his position in the Navy. Naturally, being opposed to anything of the sort the family fled to Switzerland where they bought a cabin, fixed it up and lived happily for a year and a half.

In the meantime the Captain and his oldest son, Friedrich, got jobs at a local lumber company and Liesl worked part time as a receptionist for a local clinic. Maria stayed home with the other children. By this time she had a little girl named Johanna and her next youngest daughter, Gretl, was seven. Maria and her daughters and youngest son mainly kept house but also did odd jobs to earn extra money when they could. Brigitta, Louisa and Maria cleaned houses when people were having company as well as tending to a garden. Kurt did his part by running errands for people.

Christmas of 1939 the family got a telegram from Max Detweiler. He had sent multiple agents in America information on the family and their credentials. The family sang a bit in Switzerland but only as little as possible in order not to be located. An agent by the name of Samish requested to meet the family and let them know of an open voyage to the states. They were to meet in New York and hopefully start touring, however this would not come to pass.

When we pick up the family has been at Ellis Island for two days. It's March 1940 and Maria is pregnant once again but only about 12 weeks or so. The family is beginning to get frustrated.

"I'll go see if he's out there" the Captain told his family as he left to get some air on a crummy balcony that overlooked the Statue of Liberty. The rest of the family occupied a corner with a few benches and all their belongings.

"Mother?" Brigitta, now twelve, asked "what if Mr. Samish forgot about us?" She leaned against the backpack she had brought.

"Try not to think like that. I'm sure it will work out fine" Maria assured as she smoothed her daughter's hair.

"We just unloaded at least a ton of luggage and we didn't get one lousy dime" Kurt complained as he rejoined his family. He and Friedrich had gone to hopefully earn some extra money. Most of the family's money had been spent on the voyage or put aside for a place to live, thus money was tight.

"Did they say they would pay you?" Louisa asked as she and Liesl untangled a ball of yarn.

"No" Friedrich looked at his feet. "But they should have" he whined as he sat down by his sisters. Kurt joined his mother on the bench. Just then the three youngest girls approached. Marta had a handful of stuff and Gretl and a hand on a toddling, one year old Johanna.

"Look mother!" Marta exclaimed and Gretl revealed the lump of bread in her hand. Maria stood up and knelt in front of her girls "don't tell me you went begging for food darlings"

"Yes" Gretl said "but look" and motioned to Marta and they began naming articles of food.

"Half a loaf of bread"

"Some cheese"

"An onion"

"And two apples"

"Johanna also makes people give us more" Gretl added

Maria shook her head and picked up the toddler "girls, you do not beg for food, think of the people you're taking from."

"Do you want us to give it back?" Marta asked with a sad look. She was hungry, they all were and Maria knew it.

"No" Maria sighed "but this is the last time, got it?" And both girls nodded.

The Captain had returned "no sign. I'll see if I can talk to immigration, maybe we can get visas to at least get out of here, and get a new agent."

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