Disney Movies - Jungkook

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Y/N snuggled closer to her boyfriend. His bare skin felt so warm against her, his arms surrounding her. Today was one of those days where nobody had anything planned and they could just stay in bed. The rain batted against the window as Jungkook continued to snore. She could hear a few of the other boys awake. It sounded as though they were chasing Taehyung's dog, Yeontan, throughout the house.
Y/N was glad she had remembered to lock the door before she fell asleep. She then heard Jin get onto them and chose to ignore the commotion. Y/N shut her eyes and drifted in and out of sleep.
Y/N was later awoken to a knock at the door, some hours later. It was Jimin.
"Lunch is done!" he yelled and threw a pillow, before heading down the stairs.
"Babe," Y/N said softly and she shook him, "Wake up."
He slightly groaned and rolled over.
"It's lunchtime."
Jungkook slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, Y/N
then dragging him out of bed. They filed down the stairs and saw the boys eating, all except for Yoongi. He, of course, was still sleeping.
After they had finished their meal, they all went off to do their own things. It was their first day off in weeks, and they all planned to enjoy it. Jungkook had one thing in mind, and that didn't involve leaving his bed at all.
The couple made their way upstairs to dress, although they were only putting sweats on. Jungkook changed his pants and flopped onto his bed, still shirtless. She also slipped into her pants and his oversized hoodie.
"You look cute," he said.
"Whatever. You look adorable all snuggled in our blankets. Speaking of which, I need to make the bed."
"What? It's only gonna get messed up," he pouted and got further under the covers, "lay with me."
"No! I won't get anything done."
"Um...one, you won't anyway, and two, that's kinda the point."
She rolled her eyes, "Okay, fine. But, only for a little bit."
He smiled his cute bunny smile, "Yay."
He opened his arms and turned on their TV, putting on some old Disney movies. The curtains were now open, so they could see the storm going on outside. Jungkook pulled Y/N closer as thunder cracked above them. He drifted to sleep as she watched the movie, waking now and then to her giggling.
Halfway through the second movie, Jungkook began talking in his sleep. This was something he did often, so it wasn't a strange occurrence. That is until gentle moans and groans slipped past his lips. She felt around until she knew that he was surely having a dirty dream: he was rock hard. His arms were still snuggled around her, so she had no way of escaping. She decided that she would just wait it out and watch the movie.
Curiosity got the better of her as her hands slowly trailed down his stomach. His skin was so warm and soft that she couldn't help it. Next thing she knew, her hand was slipping past his waistband and into his Calvin Klein boxers. Her eyes widened. It never ceased to amaze her how big it was. She saw his mouth open slightly as she rubbed it slowly. She stopped as he started to stir, waiting until he had rolled onto his back. Perfect, she thought.
Y/N scooted down under the covers and pulled down his pants. She licked her lips as she peeked at his face, him still sleeping. At that, she slipped it into her warm mouth. A groan escaped his mouth as she moved faster, hands touching what she couldn't take. Jungkook started to squirm and she continued her actions, his eyes fluttering open.
"Wh-what? Babe...oh, wow," he heavily breathed out.
She went further down as his hands met her head.
"You haven't...god...done this in a while."
She looked up at him and saw his bottom lip between his teeth, eyes shut, and sweat building on his forehead. He looked utterly stunning like this. It wasn't long until he had reached his limit, spilling into her throat. She choked back and swallowed, not wanting to make a mess. She pulled his pants back up and lifted the blanket off of her head.
"I'm sorry. You just seemed like you needed some help," she said and wiped her sweat.
"No, babe. You did so well," he said and took a few deep breaths, "Lay down, let me repay you."
"Wh-why, Kookie?"
He flipped them over so he was on top and placed sloppy kisses against her mouth.
"Because I said so, and is that how you address me right now?"
"No, but-"
He raised his eyebrows at her.
"That's better. Now, lay back and let me make you feel good."
Y/N laid against the pillows as he got off the bed to lock the door. Within seconds, he was back and pulled off her bottoms. She shivered as the cold air hit her bare skin, Jungkook's hands finding their way to her thighs to separate them. She whined at the touch of his mouth, his lips gentle and warm. He teased against her thighs until he could no longer wait, tongue and lips latching onto her. She covered her mouth, doing her best to be quiet. His skills were obvious as his tongue flicked against her, fingers then found their place as well.
"D-daddy! I...c-can't-"
He added another finger into the mix and she yelped, attempting to squeeze her thighs shut. He held them open and finished her off, her squirming and moaning beneath him.
"Daddy, s-stop!"
He removed his mouth.
"Is that how we ask for things?" he asked and latched back on.
"Fuck! D-Daddy, please...stop...please!"
He slowed his pace until he was still, letting go completely. She continued to breathe heavily as he laid beside her.
"Wow," she let out.
"You know, you're cute when you beg."
"Oh my god, Jungkook!"
He laughed and shrugged, getting off the bed, "We need a shower."
"Yeah, but not together."
"Um, yes together. Come on, you're all dirty."
She sighed and thought for a moment.
"Well, then I guess I'd better clean up."
He lifted her up and into the bathroom, removing the rest of their clothes. They roughly kissed as they held each other.
They had a double walk-in shower, so there was plenty of room for the two of them to continue their activities. He applied a condom and pushed in, thrusting quickly. He held her against the glass of the shower, her legs too weak to do so herself. Moans and groans could be heard from the outside of the door, although nobody was paying even a lick of attention.
Once dressed, they changed their bedsheets and got right back into bed, the Disney movies still playing. Jungkook snuggled into his girlfriend and the two of them talked nonsense for a while, up until Jungkook fell back asleep. This time, however, Y/N  was able to escape his grasp and begin cleaning their room.
The sun started to set as she finished putting their room back together. Jungkook was playing "Overwatch" and Y/N was scrolling through her phone. After a while, they were back in bed, the perfect ending to the perfect lazy day.
Thanks for reading ;)

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