Chapter 2

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Bill's POV:
"Charlie do you hate me? Why are you avoiding me", I asked? No response came from Charlie as he slept with a pillow in middle of both our beds to keep us separated. He seemed to not want to look at me in the middle of the night and I didn't understand the reason why though. He didn't seem himself at all when I saw him last but normally he is very much active and excited to see everyone. I can tell that something is very much wrong and he won't even admit to it. "I have to go get some coffees and hot chocolates for the house since we are running out of the mixtures. I was hoping that you would go with me in the morning", I said. Once again Charlie curled up more against the pillow while not answering and he seemed to be in pain. I growled at myself before getting up to go talk to the twins when I noticed some slight redness on his face and that was very odd. I shook my head as I left the room quietly to allow him to sleep without me bothering him at all. I went downstairs to the twins room while knocking on the door gently and being patient for them to open the door. The door opened slowly to reveal Fred looking at me with this confused expression that seemed to make me worried about his thoughts and I sighed while glancing down at the ground. "Hey guys, I have to talk to you guys about something", I said. "Well I guess we should let our brother into the room Fred. It could be serious based on his body language right now", says George. Fred nods his head before he allows me to walk into the room and look back at them. "It's about Charlie and this must be kept between us. He has been acting different lately", I said. George and Fred both tilted their heads at me since they wanted to understand but have been close to Charlie for awhile now which is very odd in a way. Charlie and me used to be so close when we grew up as kids but now it seems like he wants absolutely nothing to do with me. "What do you mean by different William", says Fred. Man do I hate that full name when I make people call me Bill and I sat down on the floor to think it over. "He hasn't been bonding with me at all as if he is mad at me for some reason. I asked him if he wanted to go shopping with me tomorrow but got zero response. Any idea what is up with him", I said. The twins glanced at each other before sitting down in front of me to start the talking together thing which makes us laugh at times. 

"You don't think"

"he is being terrified

"due to his recent nightmares going on", they said. "Nightmares?! Since when and what are they normally about anyways", I said. They quickly leaned in to talk to each other because they seem to know the answer while I am sitting here completely helpless to my own family and maybe it is fine that way. "Thanks for the help anyways I guess", I said as I got up to leave. "Wait don't go Bill. They are not the easiest to explain and he didn't want to worry you out. Or better yet wanting you to be freaked out and concerned about your own being. It's something he doesn't want to deal with and hates to tell people", says Fred. I was very much confused at this point because Charlie used to be the most outgoing and talkative person who would tell us anything in life. "Please explain because I am merely confused here", I said. "The nightmares are about you Bill and he won't say why. He keeps it hidden from us and sometimes writes it down at most. No idea how to handle it at all but we did leave him alone about it", says George.  

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