Chapter 3

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Charlie's POV:
I remained curled up under the sheets because all I wanted was to sleep for the rest of the week and not be disturbed by anyone who feels bad for me acting this way. I didn't truly want to tell them how I felt but I could hear Bill coming back into the room and he must have stopped by my bed. "Oh Charlie, I wish I could have been a better brother for you but clearly I am not. You don't deserve those nightmares", whispers Bill as he pets my hair before leaving my bed for a second. I slightly opened my eyes a bit to look over the pillow to see him on his bed and he seemed way upset in a way. He was currently writing in his journal to keep his emotions in hands and he attempted to not look my way. I am only assume that the twins have told him about the nightmares that I have experienced over the years and tried to overcome them with different excuses. I soon closed my eyes again to get more sleep as I wanted to ignore my chances of actually talking to anyone and I would one day say what I need too. I remained asleep where I was fully warm and wanted to relax from things at the moment. My entire body was sore after going to take care or rescue dragons from becoming hurt. It was my main job and I tried my very best to be happy. Eventually I did get up to get dressed and go downstairs to see everyone. I was purely exhausted as ever as I rubbed my eyes when approaching the kitchen. "Ah the dragon boy is awake", says George. "Yeah", I said coldly towards him. He took a step back as if he knew that something was wrong with me while he looked so terrified and his eyes began to water up. "C-Charlie why are you so cold now? I mean you were sweet and things", says George. "That was before you told BILL about my freaking NIGHTMARES. You and Fred betrayed me even though you promised that you wouldn't which makes it harder for me to trust you two. I just wish that you would understand for once", I snapped before heading outside to get some fresh air. I don't care who in the house heard me but I knew it was right for me to let my anger out and I sighed while kicking a rock.

Ginny's POV:
I was busy reading or studying for some papers that might be due very soon at the school since we are on break. Everything seemed to be going just perfect when Bill and Charlie returned home for the holidays. I was happy to see them back with the entire family after not seeing them for months even though I will admit that something has changed in one of them. Charlie doesn't act like his usual self anymore which makes me worried that he is going through some tough time and it is hard to get him to open up. All of day he spent time in his room asleep because he hasn't been getting  enough sleep lately from the dragon rescuing going on daily and he seemed to be experiencing nightmares. Just a few minutes ago I heard Charlie screaming at George that made me instantly look up and being scared by what just went on. I could tell that Charlie did trust the twins with his entire life after revealing something to Bill that they shouldn't have and I heard the main door slam shut. I jumped a bit while putting my books down to go downstairs to talk to Charlie but not until I grabbed a jacket. I put it on as I reached the main door while looking around for the feisty dragon brother and sang softly to calm myself down. "Nice singing sister but can you do it somewhere else", says Charlie. "Speak of the evil wizard itself. Now why would I go somewhere else to sing when you are not entirely happy at all in the house. What's up with you", I said. Charlie shook his head and glances around to avoid my eye contact. "It's nothing", he said. "Liar. Don't avoid the conversation like it is nothing", I said. He stared at me for a second before he growled as he looked away quite quickly. "You don't understand anything Ginny so why try to help me out. You just don't get it cause you haven't experienced it", says Charlie getting colder by the minute. I got madder at him because he didn't seem to care and I am a tough girl compared to anyone else. Sure I haven't graduated it but I will one day. "Oh cut it out Charlie Weasley. You seem more upset each day as if this family has turned their backs on you when we have not and we have tried to be there for you. You are turning into someone we do not know anymore and it is getting more frustrating to deal with this mess. Just fix your dang attitude and talk to us. Don't you love us", I said. It took Charlie a step back as he shook his head before sitting back down on the ground and I didn't realize that he was about to cry in no time at all. "You just don't get it", he says. What is he talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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