Chapter 3: The Beginning

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Although you loved the smell of freshly baked goods, nothing could beat the smell of the Halcyon Forest right after heavy rainfall

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Although you loved the smell of freshly baked goods, nothing could beat the smell of the Halcyon Forest right after heavy rainfall. It was a different sort of smell, it felt refreshing, whereas the bakery just smelt like home.  However uncomfortable eeriness that engulfed Everett still lingered even after you successfully exited the city. 

It was late at night now and the summer rainfall had made the atmosphere feel muggy once you were well and truly hidden in the density of the woods, you shed your body of the long black cloak you wore. As soon as you pulled off your cloak, you allowed the somewhat cooler forest air to hit your bare arms, sending a small chill down your spine. 

"Are we planning on trekking during the night?" Jimin inquired whilst he too shed himself of this cloak, allowing his fluffy white ears and tail to spring to life again. 

You didn't bother answering his question as you exhaustedly slumped against a tree trunk, a tied hum escaping your lips afterwards. It wasn't that you were physically tired but emotionally? Yes. Whilst you and Jimin mindlessly followed the usual route out of the capital, your mind focused solely on the news Yoongi had informed you of. 

You didn't favour the royal family and in fact, one could even say you loathed them but in spite of that, it didn't stop you from feeling slightly bothered by the King's death. Yes, the King imposed a law that forced you and your kind to live the rest of your lives in the shadows in fear but he ruled with a golden heart.  He was an honourable king who leads with compassion. You weren't worried about who was next in line for the thrown as rumour has it Seokjin was the perfect candidate for the position... but one can only go so far with rumours. He hadn't earned the respect of the kingdom yet; meaning other Kingdoms would attempt to take advantage of this. 

Everett; the capital of the Kingdom was in an exceptionally vulnerable state. 

"Yoongi notifies us of the massive target on our heads and the next best thing you decide to do afterwards is take a break right in front of a popular trading path?" Jimin says, interrupting your thoughts.

"We are fine Jimin." Your reply before letting out a deep sigh. You didn't bother opening your eyes because you already knew his figure was looming over you with disdain. "No one will be wandering into the woods whilst rumours of king's death looms the kinngd~." Hurriedly, Jimin pushes his index finger onto your lips, successfully stopping you from finishing your sentence. Snapping your eyes open in surprise, you watch as Jimin anxiously scanned your surroundings, this caused you to lift an eyebrow in amusement. 

"What in the world are you doing?" He begins, voice now in a more hushed state, "you don't know who is around."

You let out a small chuckle and swat his hand away, "Jimin stop with this paranoia, we are fin~." And just like that, you were proven wrong as the snapping of twigs catches your attention. Immediately alert, you spring to your feet and push Jimin behind you.  "Whose there?," your steps are slow as you try to sneak up on the source of the rustling. However, a small breath of relief is heard escaping his lips when a small grey rabbit appears out from behind the bush. "See." You laugh, "you're just paranoid." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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