The music box

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Peter walked up the stairs to Neal's apartment. He knocked but was not surprised when no one came to open. And not because it was late and the kid was asleep. He walked inside the empty apartment and sat down by the kid's dining room table. The music box had been in the Italian consulate of all places. At least that was what he thought. All he could do now was to wait.

Less than thirty minutes later he heard feet in a hurry up the stairs and then Neal made his entry. Out of breath, Peter heard, sitting with his back to the door. The kid had stopped right inside the door. Probably because of his presence.

"There's an APB out for a man of interest in a slick suit," Peter said, still without looking at him. "Apparently he rappelled down the wall of a consulate."

"It'll be fine," Neal said. "They're not gonna prosecute for the theft of an item they weren't supposed to have."

Neal sat down by the table and Peter saw he was sweaty and clothes in disorder. And, he also noted, empty-handed.

"An item you don't seem to have," he said.

"Let's just say Alex had other plans," Neal said without ceremony. "I should've seen it coming."

"Any idea where she went?"

"She didn't stick to the plan. She got out of the consulate a different way. If Alex wants to disappear, she does. Without that box, Fowler's side wins."

Peter was pleased Neal had not ducked but told the true story. At least there was no reason to believe otherwise.

"I need to know," Peter said and leaned across the table towards Neal. "What about us? Are we on the same side here?"

"You said I earned the right to make my own choices," Neal replied, watching him as careful as Peter studied him. "You changing your mind?" Peter shook his head. "Fowler is still out there."

They may have different means, but they both wanted Fowler caught. The kid had not answered a straight 'yes', but it was okay. Neal was not about to run, of that he was sure.

"This isn't over yet," Peter grinned and rose.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I've got something in play." And by that, he left.

Neal stopped when he saw Peter waiting by the table. The man was sitting with his back to him, and though he must have heard him coming he had not moved.

"There's an APB out for a man of interest in a slick suit," Peter said without moving. "Apparently he rappelled down the wall of a consulate."

So Peter was not there to arrest him. And Mozzie had, as usual, passed unnoticed.

"It'll be fine," Neal assured them both. "They're not gonna prosecute for the theft of an item they weren't supposed to have."

He sat down by Peter, tired in every way.

"An item you don't seem to have," Peter noted and Neal could see a relieved smile.

"Let's just say Alex had other plans," Neal said, not bothering to play games. "I should've seen it coming."

"Any idea where she went?"

"She didn't stick to the plan. She got out of the consulate a different way. If Alex wants to disappear, she does." It was more than he had been conned by Alex. "Without that box, Fowler's side wins."

Peter studied him. He leaned closer.

"I need to know, what about us?" his handler and friend asked. "Are we on the same side here?"

White Collar - as an unofficial novel - part 5Where stories live. Discover now