Chapter 3

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Zayn is 12

Harry is 13 months old

Daniel is 12

Gemma is 12


Zayn has been plotting for a week. He has done countless searches on how to get away with theft. Most of the things he found were useless in his case. They were about how to prevent thievery.

So Zayn had to go to the back corners of the internet, where no one wanted to look, where no one wanted to be caught in. But, he would do it, just for his little Hazza. Speaking of Hazza. He had started talking a lot since that day. But, he only talked to Zayn, like if he wanted a bottle of milk, he would say:

"Zawyn. Milky."

And who was Zayn to refuse to help his itty bitty baby Haz. He would happily do anything Harry asked. Harry was his best friend and only friend. Zayn didn't like people at school much. He had gone on summer break 3 weeks ago, and Zayn was relieved. The kids in his class made fun of him for having pictures of Harry in his locker. Some of the girls found it cute and would flirt with him.

Zayn quickly stopped it though. He didn't need anyone but Harry. He was just scared for when Harry goes to school, he'll meet another person that he might like more. Zayn would do anything for that not to happen.

Zayn was pulled out of his thoughts when Harry grabbed onto his leg. Zayn was sitting on the floor, legs spread out, using his school laptop to do some research. Harry was next to his, chewing on anything he could find, he was still teething after all.

"Zawwnie." Harry babbled.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" Zayn had heard that you call someone sweetheart, baby, honey, etc. when you really love them. Zayn knew he really loved Harry, so he used the pet names.

"Plawwy?" Harry asked.

Even though Zayn wanted to give Harry the stuffed animal, he still put his laptop down and started playing with harry. He shook the rattle above Harry's head, so the new toddler would reach for it. Harry was giggling and squealing, he was having a great time.

Soon, though, Harry started getting tired and lay down on Zayn. He was out like a light from there. Zayn slowly picked him up and started to head up to Zayn's room. Harry started to get in really clingy after he started to talk. He wouldn't let Zayn out of his sight longer for three minutes. 

But, he put Harry on his bed and walked downstairs. 

"Zayn, honey, where are you going ?" Zayn turned to look at his foster mother, soon to be adoptive mother. The Styles have been in the process of adopting Zayn. They knew if Zayn left, Harry would be devastated. Harry would be a new person. 

"Out with a friend." Zayn lied smoothly. After years of torment from foster homes, he became an excellent lair. He knew how to perfect the art of sincerity, he knew the ways of manipulation. 

And Mrs. Styles let him leave, off to do things that would ruin his life.     

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