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REGANA PANDORA BLACK THE FIRST KNEW she had fucked up the moment the air around her started to shimmer all the colours of the rainbow.

While Teddy laughed at first, it soon faded when they realised the colours were becoming so thick they could no longer see through them. Their own body was invisible to the naked eye and their shouts of panic were falling on deaf ears.

Then they dropped.

Well, maybe 'dropped' wasn't the best word for it. A thudding pound was beating against their heads until they blacked out. It was only for a second. And when they woke again? That's when they dropped. A hundred feet in the air at least, falling. Down, down down down...

A groan left Regana's lips, and she was the first to raise her head. Her hands were no longer on the smooth tiles that ran throughout the Ministry of Magic, but rather grass.

"Oh my... Arthur! Arthur, come quickly!"

She shoved her dark hair away from her eye's and found a wand in her face. Her eye's trailed up the arm holding it until the met a pair of eye's she was all too familiar with.


No, that couldn't be right.

Arthur Weasley was standing in front of her, younger, more stressed and more ginger then Regana remembered. But the thing was, he was currently in St. Mungo's undergoing treatment for Cancer. His hair had fallen out months ago.

She had always referred to him as her grandfather, and Molly her grandmother, even though she knew they weren't related in any way. But with none to call her own, it had become a habit that the couple had happily accepted.

Regana raised her hands, her mind now racing through a hundred different possibilities. The time turner. Oh my god the time turner. Her mother had told her about it when she tried to explain her and Regana's father's relationship (it only left her more confused) that had been the time turner. THE time turner. The one her mother had used all those years ago.

But she was told it had been destroyed?

"Up," Arthur instructed her, his voice shockingly cold.

Regana scrambled to her feet, her head spinning from the sudden movement. She quickly raised her hands. "I come in peace I swear!"

He stared at her.

She stared back.

"What?" He asked, baffled.

"I... come in peace? I don't know, you have your wand in my face and I panicked!"

The man shook his head, dismissing her comment, "Keep your hands up and follow me,"

"Okay..? Where are we going?"

Arthur jabbed her in the back with his wand and told her to walk forward. She rolled her eye's and did as she was told, letting him point her in the direction of the burrow and sitting her down at the front table. Inside Regana could hear Molly frantically speaking go someone in the kitchen, which was where Arthur was leading her.

He sat her down and bounded her hands together, and she couldn't resist the urge to roll her eye's again. "Really? I'm five foot six and wandless, what do you think I'm gonna do, head butt your di-"

"Drink this,"

Regana raised her eyebrows at the surly looking man in front of her. He had a greasy black curtain of hair and beady black eye's. He was joined by an old man Regana vaguely recognised, from where, she wasn't sure. And another man with sandy brown hair and scars criss crossing his face.

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