One Day- Chapter One

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"Haha, you look so stupid!" A kid said to y/n.

"Yeah, what are you supposed to be? A pig?" Another one said. Y/n looked down at their werewolf Halloween costume and sighed. That's when a girl with reddish-purplish hair stepped in front of y/n. She had eyes the same color. She was wearing the same exact Halloween costume!

"Leave her/him alone!" She yelled.

"Ooh, twinsies!" One of the kids joked. "Two pigs. Is that what you guys are supposed to be?"

"We're werewolves!" She yelled.

"Oh, my mistake!" The group of kids started laughing.

"Well, at least I don't look like a... uh... what exactly are you supposed to be? An alien?"

"I'm a monster! Are you blind?!"

"Are you blind to see that we're CLEARLY werewolves?!"

"Oh, whatever. See you losers later."

"US losers?! Well look who's talking!" She yelled as they walked away. "Losers!" She turned around.

"T-Thank you," Y/n said nervously.

"No prob! What's your name? I'm Gou! Call me Kou, though."

"I-I'm Y/n."

The flashbacks came back quick as lightning as soon as y/n saw the name 'Gou' in their middle school year book. You wondered how she was doing now. They haven't seen each other for two years, because she moved to Australia. You wondered when they would meet again. Or, if they would ever meet again. It was the last day of Summer, and y/n was terrified for their first year of high school. It was hard, without Kou.

You closed your yearbook and climbed into bed, terrified for what tomorrow will bring.

One Day- a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now