One Day- Chapter Seven

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"Y-Y/n? Is that you?" Makoto said in shock.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Nagisa asked.

"We did, a long time ago," you said.


"Wait, so, Kou, you've been on a swim team with him?"

"Yeah, are you guys friends?" Kou asked.

"No way."

Makoto looked down.

"So you guys don't like each other?"

"Why would we?"

"How do you guys know each other?" Haruka asked.

"We were in a class together in second grade," Makoto said.

"Really?" Nagisa said.

"Yeah," you said.

"What happened between you guys?" Rei asked.

"Nothing much," Makoto said, and smiled. His smile looked the same as it did in second grade.

"I'm getting in the pool now," Haruka said, and he dived into the pool. His dive was perfect.

"I think I'll sit on the side for now," Makoto said.

"What? But you never sit on the side!" Nagisa said.

"I know." He sat down next to the pool.

"Come on, y/n, let's go sit by Makoto!" Kou said, grabbing your hand and running towards Makoto.

"I don't wanna!" You said, pulling back.

"Come on!" She pulled you towards Makoto. You crossed your arms and sat down. Kou sat down next to you. You watched everyone swim.

"I'm gonna go talk to Haruka!" Kou said, and she got up and walked away. You glanced at Makoto, and accidentally made eye contact with him. You looked away.

"Why did you get so mad?" He asked.

"Hm?" You said.

"Why did you get so mad?"

"That was years ago. Why does it still matter to you?"

"Why are you still mad?"


"I was only trying to defend you." His voice was soft. Unlike yours. You were yelling.

"You embarrassed me in front of the entire class!"

"It was second grade."


"There's no point in arguing with you, is there?"

You crossed your arms. "Clearly."

He sighed. "I'm getting in the pool." He dived into the pool. You hugged your knees. So what if it was second grade?! Does that matter?!

"Hey!" Nagisa said, popping up from the side of the pool.

"Hi," you said, sounding sad and mad.

"Why were you yelling at Mako-Chan?"



You were really mad at Makoto. Nagisa continued swimming with his team. You laid down and fell asleep. You woke up to Haruka sitting next to you. You sat up in surprise.


"Oh. Hi," he said. You looked around. No one was there.

"Where'd everyone go?"

"Makoto said that he had to use the bathroom, but he hasn't been back. It's been 20 minutes. They asked me to stay here."


It felt like the right time to ask.

"Hey- what happened between you and Rin?" You asked.

Haruka looked down, then got up, he ran away. What just happened?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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