One Day- Chapter Four

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"Wait, so Haruka is Rin's OLD friend?" You asked Kou. It was the next day, and you were walking home from school with Kou. Kou was going to your house to study for a quiz on Monday.

"Yeah," Kou said.

"Wait, so who exactly is Haruka?"

"Someone on my swim team."

"Your on a swim team?!"

"It's not like I swim!"

"Then why are you on a swim team?!"

"Just to help!"


"Haruka actually goes to our school, you might have a few classes with him."

"Really? Cool wait, Haruka's a boy?!"

"Yeah, he has a girl name."


You reached your house, and you both walked inside.

"Mom, Kou is here!" You yelled to your Mom. You started walking upstairs to study, when your Mom walked in.

"Gou?!" She said.

"Kou." Kou, said.

"Sorry, Kou! I haven't seen you since you were in middle school!"

"Mom, stop, your being embarrassing!" You yelled.

"Sorry! What is she here for?"

"To study for a quiz."

"You guys have a class together? How nice!"

"We don't. We have the same class, but at different times, so we have the same quiz. K', bye!"

You ran upstairs with Kou, to avoid more questions. You went into your room and threw your backpack on the floor. You took your practice test and pencil out and laid them both down on your desk. Kou did the same.

"Good thing the teacher gave out practice tests, huh?" she said.


You took a look at your first question.

"This makes no sense," you said in confusion.

"Do you pay attention in class?" Kou asked, already knowing the answer.

"Who does that?"

Kou rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You literally just add these numbers together," she said.

"What? Why do they put it like that?"

"This is why your failing!"

"I know!"

She helped you with your practice quiz, then you put your quizzes away. She put hers in her folder, while you just stuffed your practice test in your backpack.

"You are so unorganized," Kou said, watching you stuff your practice test in your backpack.

"What do you mean?" I'm very organized!"


"Was that sarcastic?"

"Yes, dummy!"

You guys always joked around like this.

"So tell me more about Haruka," you said, turning towards Kou.

"Why do you want to know so much about him?"

You shrugged. "Just curious."

"Why don't you just meet him?"




"Just come to our swim practice tomorrow. I'm sure they don't mind watchers!" Kou said.


One Day- a Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now