Chapter Twelve: Causal Catastrophe

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Hey everyone, sorry for not updating in a while.  High school is too much!  Honestly with exams a few weeks away all the teachers are overloading us with assignments and homework.  But I will live unless gym class causes my lungs to give out.

Image credit to whoever made it, I agree 100% don't you? Lemme know why you love Dramione.

Anyway, these last few chapters are just to add a feel to the story, the real plot has arrived.


P.S. I have decided that all telepathic conversations will be italics.

The Zabini twins called a telepathic truce during dinner in the Great Hall deciding that they would go back to being studious students for the sake of their N.E.W.T.s, opting to use telepathy for discussions that had to stay between them only. 

"Usual spot before dinner?"  Blaise asked.  "Sorry, I'm meeting Harry and the rest, can we meet in our free period before lunch?"  Hermione answered.  "Astoria and I are studing for potions then."  Blaise said.  

"Aw, Blaisey has a crush!  That's so sweet!"  Hermione laughed.  "I said that we are studing together, how does that lead to crush?  If it were that way you would be in love with Nott.  Also when did you make up with the Gryffindorks?"  Blaise asked.  "

"Firstly Blaise, Theo and I?  That would be like suggesting I date Harry but you and Astoria are so obvious though it seems you don't realise it. You always sit next to each other during meals and you offer to carry her bag whenever you can.  You walk to classes together and you know so much about her, but not in a creepy way.  Remember when you told Draco not have the last cup of cinnamon   coffee because Astoria likes it?   Why would the cold, occassionally vain Blaise Zabini know that about someone and try to do something sweet said person if they don't care about them?"  Hermione knew that her brother was struck dumb at her words and would need a few moments to process what she had just said.   

"I made up with my other friends two days ago after they apologised for whatever they did wrong and asked why I was ignoring because it really hurt."

We're going to the past so that we can see Hermione make up with Harry and Ron, make sure that your time turners are on properly before using them.  Ready?  Excellent, here we go!

Two days ago

Hermione was walking back to Slytherin after Transfiguration, she was in a good mood because McGonagall had given her some very good news after class.  Hermione walked along humming How Far I'll Go under her breath.  

"And no one knows, how far it goes  

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me."  Harry joined in highly off key.  

Hermione came to a dead stop and tried to hold back a smile.  "Just smile already, it would be less work."  Ron said, grinning.  Hermione smiled just a little before remembering why she was mad at her friends.  

"One day I'll know

If I go there's just no telling how far I'll go."  Harry was still singing.    

"Find someone new yet?"  Hermione snapped all her anger flooding back.  Harry stopped and looked at her, now he would make things right and explain everything.

"Hermione why are you biting our heads off everytime we try to talkto you?  Just because you're a Slytherin now doesn't mean you have to hate us!  We definately don't hate you but you make it pretty hard to like you with all the insults."  Harry said, playing dumb.

"Excuse me but you were the people who said that you would find someone new when I became a Slytherin.  It crushed me.  But whether or not you meant me to hear it or not I have Theo, Dray, Tori and Blaise.  Even Daphne is nice when she feels like talking."  Hermione fired back, remembering the Slytherins to keep from roasting them, literally.

"'Mione, nobody could replace you, nobody else would tell me that I have the emotional range of a teaspoon or hit Harry with books."  Ron said.  "Why would you think that you could be replaced?" 

"When you were re-sorted to say we were shocked would be an understatment.  We all discused what it could be and  I sarcasically said 'What does the hat expect us to do? Find someone new?'"  Harry explained.  "'Mione if you're the Brightest Witch if the Age and thought we would throw you out I'm worried for the rest of us.  We're really sorry if we hurt you so, friends?"  Harry smiled.

"Friends.  I'm sorry too."  Hermione said crying.  Dennis Creevy snapped a photograph of them hugging and gave them each a copy.  Which they all put in gold frames, "We are the Golden Trio after all."  Ron joked at the name people had given them.

Now we must leave get back to the present.  Same rules apply.  Let's bounce.

The present.

"We're late for class, let's go."  Blaise said before walking out of the hall.  Hermione just finished eating her breakfast knowing that she had twenty minutes left.

"Three to four same place?"  "Perfect."

Fire whizzed past Blaise Zabini's head before evaporating but he didn't wait for his foe to deliver another blow. He cast a shield silently cast a shield charm and focused on trying to call a lightning bolt the way Hermione had told him she had. He felt it forming in the air, using all of his focus and much of his energy to call. His shield broke and a bolt of fire hit his chest, ropes bound him.

He burned the ropes away as stealthily as he could, twisting himself to attack his opponent, Hermione Aria. His fire struck her shoulder and burnt her robe but did not harm her skin. She fired a counter attack but Blaise simply took control of the fire as it whizzed to him, finally getting bored of their training.

"Call it a day?" Hermione askedfeeling drained both mentally and physically. "Happily." Blaise answered. "We shouldn't have spent the first fiftyminutes trying to set things on fire, pretty as the bluebell flames are."  Hermione noted.  

"Aria, aren't you late to meet Potter and Weasley and the rest?"  "Dammit I am, later Blaise."  Hermione said before racing off.

"Relax or you're going to pass out."  Blaise called.  "I will live but fine!"  Hermione yelled back.

Ten minutes later Hermione The Quidditch Pitch sweaty, and smelling of smoke.  

"Hermione are you okay?" Luna asked.  "Just a little tired."  Hermione replied.  "But why are your robes burnt?  Did someone attack you?"

She put on a poker face while she mentally cursed herself.  "What now?  Tell them that I was just using my advanced magic to try and set a tree or two on fire?  If I say the wrong thing all hell will break loose."  

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