Chapter Fifteen: Parchment and Planning

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ME: Maybe I go to work on the new chapter for A Bunch of Writers Notes *goes to my stories*

ME: *Looks at the number of reads on my Dramione story and freaks before double-checking*  AJHXYSHCGCBCEYRBWYH EEEEKK!  *falls off chair*  OH MY HADES! *goes to show everyone I can that I have 1k reads*

THANK YOU, you guys have no clue how much this means to me.  I wrote this chapter early to celebrate.  It took a few days with exams but I want to write longer chapters now.  

Credit to the maker for the fanart.  I chose this fanart for this chapter because the time turner represents Theo, the journal is what I feel Luna's would look like and the notes, Draco and Hermione are Dramione- I'm over analysing again.

Diary/journal entries POV in bold and centralised.  Let me know if you guys want more diary POVs.

Without any further ado...enjoy!

The incident at the library had been seven days past and Luna was seeing much more of the Slytherins, whom she discovered that she actually liked, specifically one whose named started T.

Luna couldn't help but like Theo, she says so herself.  

How do I know?  I can show you if you promise not to tell anyone and not to do this.  Do you promise?  I may have taken a peek in her journal...

(Luna's journal POV)

It's been six days since I learned Hermione's secret.  It was a little odd at first but I've gotten used to the idea of one of my best friend's being a power-filled, highly-emotional and possibly lunatic pureblood.  

It really is fascinating, the way her inner magic altered.  The fact that Blaise (yes I am on a first-name basis with the Slytherins now) says his magic changed at the same time adds much to the mystery.  But I think that Hermione and I onto something, we just need to sift out the grey matter, I'm sure that the Slytherins could help us.

Speaking of the Slytherins they really aren't bad, I think that a lot of them were put into a box when they were sorted into Slytherin; they were all immediately deemed as the evil trouble makers.  But that's not true, is it?  It's a prejudice that the light side (and possibly some of the dark side) held against Slytherins.  We fought a war that was based on prejudice so I really think that it is wrong we hold prejudice against Slytherin when we should be trying to rid the world of prejudice.  If we did the Slytherins wouldn't be putting everyone else down, they would have no reason to.  They wouldn't be the monster they were said to be and Hermione wouldn't be getting dirty looks from everyone.  I should try to make everyone realise this, I think Astoria said the same thing at Platform 9 3/4.

I've been lucky enough to see that.  Especially in Theo.  I have a lot of fun helping him and Hermione plan the dance. Theo always finds ways to make everyone laugh but still gets everything done.  He's resourceful, smart and...and I can't help but like him.  He never laughs at me, I don't ever remember him cruelly laughing at anyone, he has crazy quirks, is sweet and is rather cute.  He helped me pack my stuff after the dance meeting today and he asked about my gurdyroot, I was happy to explain.

He's always fiddling with something, I've noticed.  I wonder what it is.  It looks small and delicate, it looks beautiful.  Both of the things Theo is constructing.

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