The Shadow and the Sun

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Someday I want you to walk through that door
And say I'm sorry

But instead you shut me out
I make one wrong move
When you make 10
I only deal with you on your bad days
While they only deal with your good

I become a shadow
While you become the sun

The world seems to revolve around you
While I get to deal with our shadow
Your problem becomes a flare
While mine is global warming
Your problems impact many
While mine seem to annoy
Yours many see bigger
But mine have been building

I seem to revolve around you
But I'm in my own orbit

Someday I want you to walk through that door, and say I'm sorry
But you won't, your always "busy"

Doing what ever you seem fit
You say you care about others, but it's only a lover
I'm still a shadow beneath your feet
Hoping for something different
Maybe a rainy day
So, you could be in my shadow
So, you could understand my darkness
But it won't
Your stuck on your own orbit
Which caused my own problems to surface
To be honest, I don't know how long I'll stay
Maybe I'll be foolish enough to leave

Someday I want you to walk through that door and say "I'm sorry"
But when you do I won't be there

Because, I finally gained enough courage to walk out of that door
I hope this fight was worth it
Because you thought I was just a shadow
When in fact I was the sun that let you shine
Sorry it clouded over one day
I'm glad it was worth loosing a friend over.

Darker Past, Brighter Future (Poetry Collection)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ