Chapter 29: the Best Invasion Ever and Shao Kahn's transformation

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When we tried out Bri's shadow powers, we found out that not only do they work, but she can control light now too! Then I felt something.

"What is wrong Tia?" Kung Lao asked me.

"I feel a giant presence around this place, and it's coming really slowly." I answered.

"Do you smell that?" Bri asked.

"Yeah, smells like a battlefield when they just leave the bodies on the ground for a few weeks!" I flew up to investigate. Zombies! Zombies everywhere! When I came down I. "We're surrounded. Do you know what this means?" Then I looked at Bri, I didn't even have to mind message it to her, she automatically knew.

"ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!!!" We bothed scream excitedly.

"And this is a good thing?" Raiden asked us after coming back from doing some god stuff.

"We've been waiting our whole lives for this day." I explained. "And it's finally happening! We gotta kill and burn all of the zombies to make sure they're dead for good. Whatever you do: DON'T GET BITTEN!" Then Liu came out from doing who-knows-what (but I got an idea of what he was doing) and we told him the plan.

"This's gonna be AWSOME!!" Bri said as the zombies get closer to us.

"I know! All we need is for someone to play City!" I responded. And then somehow, City (a Hollywood Undead song) started playing in the sky.

"How does that work?" Liu asked, looking at the sky.

"I have no idea, but this's the best day ever!" I exclaimed. When they got within shooting distance, we attacked! I was doing everything I could to kill the zombies, I saved the others a few times and made sure they didn't get bitten. After we decapitated them, Bri, and Liu were burning the copses and severed limbs. Bri and I were having an awesome time doing this. We were going at it for hours. A few hours after they were all dead, we saw something in the sky. It's a covenant ship! Halo's found us!

"Ok, NOW it's the best day ever!" Bri said as she saw it. I don't know that much about Halo, but Bri's an expert at it.

"What is THAT?!?!" Sub-Zero asked.

"That's a Covenant ship! Halo's found us! This is the best invasion ever! We can beat these things like we did with the zombies, only they have guns, just dodge the shots and we'll be fine." Then the ship landed and Banshees and covenant came outta the ship. We got some of the banshees downed and we figured out how to fly them. When I got the thing to fly, I was just killing every covenant I saw. Then I saw Kung Lao in trouble. I used a covenant gun I found and shot 'em, or as we say when we watch Swamp People, "Choot'em!" And after they were all dead, I did the Turtle Man call.

"How do you do that sound?" Kung Lao asked me.

"That's called the Turtle Man call," I explained. "Basically you're just saying 'yee yee yee you!' Really fast, try it." And when they did, Kung Lao almost got it. The others needed some work. "You'll get it eventually. Did anyone get bitten?" After they said they didn't, Kahn came and he got attacked by a covenant elite I guess we didn't see. Then we realized, Kahn was turning into an elite!

"Oh my Jinxx! Is this really happening?" Bri asked.

"I think so." I answered. After the covenant got off him, we saw the monstrosity that was now Shao Kahn. He looked like he was half elite, half himself. Then a flood attacked Kahn and he became part flood too! This was something even we weren't prepared for! When Kahn saw what he looks like, he ran off all messed up because he got one foot like an elite.

"What the fuck just happened?" Bri asked.

"I think Kahn just became half covenant." I answered. "I never thought this'd happen. This's most likely bad. Whada you think Bri?"

"I have no idea, I've never seen anything like this, but I have no clue how this'll effect Kahn."

"I have a feeling he'll be back for revenge soon." Little did we know that soon we'd find out I was right......


Soooo, this's the last chapter in this book. My co-author is Blossemfall, she helped me come up with a bunch of different parts of this, and I added the Halo part just for her since I know how much she loves Halo.

The sequel's up now. "The Return of Mortal Kombat"

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