Nothing left to fear

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**Kates P.O.V.**

Two days after we got back from Vegas, Todd found out that Some famous sideshow dude was selling a real human two headed baby. He wanted to buy it for $20,000. Who could pass up that much money?! He had to drive all the way down to Bakersfeild in order to get it though. And only Him, Danielle, Phoenix, and Lobster boy could go since they didnt have enough room in their car. So the rest of us had the day off. I was standing around with Morgue, Asia, Creature, and Ali talking to them about what we should do since we had an off day. "well, Wadda you like to do for fun Morgue?" Ali asked. He didnt say anything for a couple seconds but eventually he came up with an answer. "I don't really leave my house, I mean being out in public puts me in a weird state, and I'm not sure if I like that." he said glancing over to me. I wasnt sure what to think, I mean he gave us an answer, It was a bullsh*t answer but it was still an answer. Asia spoke up after a while. "OOH! WE SHOULD GO ROLLER SKATING THA'D BE FUN!" she shouted. We all cheered. Except Morgue, because apparently he didnt want to go but we talked him into it. "wait so who's driving?" I asked. "Oh I can drive, I mean I have a car but it's kinda small but Ya'll will be just fine!" ali said. We all agreed to let ali drive. The car ride there was awkward because I got put in the back seat between Morgue and Asia. Asia was talking to Creature who was up in the front seat and Morgue was acting all claustrophobic leaning on the window not saying a word. So I didnt talk to anyone the whole ride. When we got there, We all rented skates but Morgue said he might skate later. He wasnt happy to be doing this at all. I was skating around the rink with Creature and Ali Creature was trying to teach me how to skate backwards But I'd fall over every time . But it was okay because each time was funnier than the last. After about a half hour of that, I skated around with Ali for a while and we started talking about clothes (like always) . I told her about the most ridiculous outfit I'd ever worn and we both laughed. But my laughter soon faded when I turned around and saw Morgue sitting at a table all by himself with his head in his hands. I leaned over to Ali. "hey, you think Morgue is okay?" I asked. she laughed. "oh he looks like he's having fun" she answered. I looked ver at him , then back at ali. She was probably right so we just went back to skating. I wasnt paying that much attention but about 20 Minutes later I saw Morgue walk out of the building. I left Ali with Creature and I followed Morgue outside. He was sitting on the Curb watching the trucks pass by. I sat down next to him. "whats wrong?" I asked. He turned his head adnd narrowed his eyes at me. "Kate, how many times have I told youu I dont like to leave my house? This puts me in a very uncomfortable mood, you know that, I get nauseous, claustrophobic, etc... I needed to just come out here to collect myself. "

I didnt say anything for a while. "well Morgue, There's no Santa Claus here, Now come on in again and have fun, think of this like a life lesson" I said causing him to laugh. He agreed to come back inside. I invited Creature to play some arcade games with us and we had fun the rest of the time. On the drive back, Asia and Ali sat in the front seat and I sat in the back seat with Morgue and Creature talking about maybe getting a tattoo. Morgue was iffy but Creature was all for it. He had a licence so he could do a tattoo on my for free if I wanted one. I told him I'd think about it. It was getting quite dark out and the streets were practically empty, except for afew small cars. We were crossing the tight intersection that took us off the highway back to the main street. I noticed there was a back van speeding down the street on the left side of the intersection but I figured he could stop. He didnt have any headlights on. But I still could see him pretty clearly, He didnt look like he was gonna slow down. I was getting a but nervous but I just turned to Creature again and we continued out conversation.  I noticed that The van kept getting closer and closer.  I was about to askCreature about piercings when........


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