Chapter 12

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"Ok Alice your 10 cm it's time to start pushing." It's been 5 hours.

"Oh thank god." I breath out.

A couple of nurses and doctors come in.

"Ok when you have a contraction let me know and I'll tell you when to push." After that I get a contraction and she tells me to push.

"Ahh!" I push hard.

"Ok and, breath."

"Alice your doing great already." Fp rubs my forehead.

"You did this to me!" I scold.

"Ok and push again." I do as she says.

"SHIIT!" I scream in pain.

1 hour later of pushing still no baby.

"I can't do this anymore I'm to tired." I cry.

"Alice you can do this she crowning."

"SHES ONLY CROWNING OH GOD WASNT THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE 10 hours ago!?" I scream while in tears.

"You haven't been here for 10 hours baby." Fp says.

"Oh my gosh this is to much I can't do it anymore." I say after pushing.

"Alice you almost there I see the head now." The doctor encourages me.

"I c-can't." I shake my head.

"Alice baby listen to me your almost done then we get to meet our baby girl you can do this baby I know you can your strong an-" I start scream as another contraction comes.

"Ok Alice push big."

I do as she says and the next this I hear is the nurse saying her head is out.

"I forgot how painful this is." I push again and then I hear  a baby's cry.

"You did it al!" He kisses my head.

"I did it." I cry.

"Ok Alice you did great we're just gonna stitch you up."

"Can I hold her?"

"Of course she's just getting cleaned."

A nurse brings me the baby. My baby.

"Hey there...your so cute." I look up at Fp who's crying.

"She looks just like you al." He smiles.

"She has you hair." I gently rub my fingers through her head full of hair. Nice brow curls.

"I can't wait to see those eyes." He rugs her check.

"She's so adorable." I cry.

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach like another contraction. But how!

"Fp take the baby!" The doctor yell and he does.

"What's going on! Why- why am I ahhh!" I feel it again.

"One second Alice I'm trying to see what's wrong." The doctor squirts gel on my stomach and looks at the screen in shock.

"Oh shit!" She runs back over to where she was.

"Ok Alice looks like your not down yet."

"What the hell does that mean!?" I cry in pain.

"Looks like it wasn't just one baby in there...looks like you baby over there's got a twin." My eyes go wide once she said there was another baby how was that possible!

"There's no way! How would no one catch this!"

"Looks like this baby didn't want to be found stayed under there sis the whole pregnancy."

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